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"You're a piece of work, Agnes, but guess what. I'm quite a piece of work myself." Klaus spoke as he got off the altar and walked towards Agnes.

" You know, I contemplated leavings bits of you artfully arranged outside your family's tomb. I thought it would leave a fitting message." He threatened as he grabbed her by the neck and made Agnes stand up. He pulled her close,

"Don't touch my family." Agnes' men couldn't do much with their hands tied, they still stood up.

"Leave her." Elijah demanded from the entrance way to the church. Klaus turned Agnes around now holding her tightly around her neck, with her facing Elijah. "I gave my word."

"You tend to give your word at the most inopportune of times, brother." Klaus said while still holding Agnes. " We've been doing things your way all day. Come on. Just one little snap, and it's toddle-loo, Agnes. She deserves it!"

"Niklaus, do not make another move." Elijah commanded his brother as he slowly walked towards him and Agnes. "You have asked for my forgiveness. I will grant you that forgiveness, but do not make me break my word."

Klaus slowly removed his hand from Agnes' neck and took a step back, " My noble brother. How's that for personal growth, eh? Still it is just like you to spoil my fun."

Elijah looked Agnes in the eye. "Oh, not necessarily."

"I'm guessing that's my queue." A familiar to everyone in that room female voice spoke. Then all of the sudden, one by one, each of Agnes' men had their hearts ripped out by Amelia. Her heels hit the floor of the church as she walked with two hearts in each of her hands dropping them when she got to Elijah. "Do you mind?" She asked him, pointing towards the handkerchief in his front pocket.

"Not at all." Amelia wiped her hands clean of the blood and walked towards Klaus.

"I swore that you would not die by my brother's hands. I said nothing of my own." Elijah said as he quick made his way to Agnes and grabbed her by her jaw, pushing her back. "No one hurts my family and lives." He said before snapping Agnes' neck. Then turning around and making his way out
"No one."

Both Amelia and Klaus smirked as they watched Elijah leave the church.


"Where is he? I've been trying to find him all day. Marcel knows that Klaus lied about where he lives." Josh was standing at the door.

"I'm not his damn keeper, Josh." Hayley said harshly.

"Fine. Just tell him to call me, please." Josh asked urgently.

"Okay." Hayley replied before closing the door and walking back to the living area.

Another knock on the door, interrupted Hayley, "Oh, what the hell, Josh?" She signed before opening the door to someone who wasn't Josh.

"Hi there. I'm Marcel. I don't think we've met."


In the bar, Cami was closing up as Klaus entered. "What you doing here?" She asked him after placing the stool on the bar.

"Do you remember the promise I made you?" He asked walking towards her.

"Promise? No." Was her first answer but as they got closer, she changed it. "Yes. You promise you'd find out what happened to Sean."

"And I kept my word. Your twin brother's behaviour was not born of natural causes. A witch hexed him to commit those murders and to kill himself." Klaus explained

"I knew it. I knew he wasn't crazy" Cami said with her voice slightly breaking in between sentences. "Who is this witch?" She demanded.

"Oh, you needn't trouble yourself over her. She's already paid for her actions in blood." Klaus claimed.

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