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It was time, she knew that Marcel wouldn't stop her. In front of her was an elegant and vintage building, many call it a church. Amelia's heels hit the rock steps as she made her way to the door.

Inside, Father Kieran was preparing for another mass (*Mass is one of the names by which the sacrament of the Eucharist is commonly called in the Catholic Church, Western Rite Orthodox churches and many Old Catholic, Anglican, and Lutheran churches, as well as some Methodist churches*.) he believes in the humanity that is left in the world. As he was preparing, the large double doors were smashed open and in the entrance was a young woman that Father Kieran heard too much about.

He looked at her and admired her beauty, her big blue eyes, her perfectly straightened blonde hair. She was like a dream but inside she was your worst nightmare. ''Amelia Moretti, I believe. You shouldn't be in here this is a holy place.'' He spoke as he intertwined his hands and walked towards her.

'' I know, I know. The whole thing with me being the creation of the devil. You wouldn't believe me if I told you how many priests had this conversation with me. I just came here to see someone in your attic.'' She walked towards him her heels hit the ground with every word. Father Kieran's eyes opened wide.

'' Marcel would never allow this.'' He stated with caused the woman in front of him to laugh and emotionless laugh.

''Who said Marcel has to know? I just want to talk to the girl.'' She walked past him and made her way to the attic. Kieran tried to move but he couldn't, it was some type of spell. Before she passed the last row of benches she turned around.

'' And Father, I think you should ask yourself who you and your human community should be more scared off, Marcel or I?'' She performed another spell which caused Father Kieran to fall down unconscious. Before he managed to hit the floor, Amelia sped to his side and caught his head before carefully placing it on the floor. '' Believe it or not, I actually do want to help.'' She then made her way to the attic.

The door was opened and inside was a young girl. Amelia immediately felt sympathy for her, even though she knew why Marcel did this. She hoped it wasn't just for his own good. She let her figure lean on the door frame as she watched the girl.
Feeling some type of presence in the room, Davina turned around to see Amelia at the door. She immediately started to take steps back and out of instinct she tried to cast a spell that would break her blood vessels inside her head. Amelia grabbed her head and started to scream, but then she just stopped and started to laugh as Davina stopped looking confused. ''You're going to have to try harder than that, love'' Amelia said and Davina flinched at the sound of her voice. Amelia looked around the room, ''Cosy,'' she said as she stepped in without any issues.
'' You can't be in here. Marcel will kill you; he doesn't let anyone up here.'' Davina started to rant but she stopped as she remembered who she was talking to.

Amelia walked up close to Davina. ''He won't kill me.'' She said then she stepped back and started to stroll around the room. ''I'm a true immortal, I can't be killed. I have no loophole, I'm a perfect abomination. A name everyone is scared to even speak of, so they came up with that idiotic nickname 10 centuries ago.'' Davina was scared of her; she had every right to be. The fright was visible just from her body language.

Amelia noticed that and kept her distance from the girl. ''Listen, Davina. I'm not here to hurt you or punish you or bring you back to complete the harvest. I was there, when Marcel took you. You have my condolences for your friend.'' Davina was stunned by all the information, especially that she is standing in front of the most powerful immortal in the world.

Davina sat down on her bed.

"Do you know that witches despise me, truly. When I was little and people liked to be curious and start experi-, investigating what I am. It was not a pleasant time to be alive.'' Amelia was examining a painting, while Davina was shocked at the news that Amelia was sharing with her. ''Did you paint this?'' Amelia asked Davina and as a reply she received a simple nod. ''Fascinating.'' Amelia said as she traced the painting with her hand.

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