chapter 1- Do you like the color red?

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Ashley's POV.

I walked into the bar not looking at anyone and walking to the closest stool to the wall and took a seat my dress riding up a little as i sat down,but i didn't mind it added to the effect. i could feel a lot of people staring at me but i paid them no mind i came here for one thing and one thing only.

"whiskey on the rocks please and keep'em coming" i said smirking at the bartender.

i looked around the bar and saw my target sitting on a couch across the way with a girl on each side of him, we made eye contact i made my eyes a little smaller to make it intense. after awhile i made a small gesture for him to come over before turning back around.

the bartender had handed me my drink giving me a small wink before going to serve someone else. if i wasn't in the middle of a job i would have flirted with him, maybe even taken him home. i took a sip when i felt a presence beside me i didn't look up until he cleared his throat.

i turned and looked at him he was rather good looking but not good looking enough to make me walk away. i gave him a small making sure he notice me checking him out, when i was done giving his ego a boost i took another sip of my drinking.

"hello beautiful, what are you doing in a place like this all be yourself?" he asked sliding a little closer to me.

"oh just having a drink, what are you doing here talking to little ole me?" i asked pulling on his tie a little making him come closer. he chuckled and buried his nose in the crock of my neck, i giggled lightly pushing him away.

"you looked a bit lonely so thought i'd keep you company and buy you a drink." he said holding up a finger so the bartender would know bring another one.

he rubbed my arm with the back of his fingers his soft touch gave me goosebumps making him smirk. after we had our drinks with little comments and touches in between, i told him i should get going. i got up to walk away when i had my back to him i counted to five before i heard.

"hey why don't you come to my place, it's late and i'm sure we could find something to do" he whispered in my ear nipping it slightly. i smirked.....i had him and nodded before getting into my car and following his.

when we pulled into his drive way i parked a little ways from here so it would make it easier for me to leave later on. i meet him by the door and brushed up against him as he was trying to open the door,i rubbed my hands up and down his chest as he fumbled with his keys.

i pulled away when he opened the door, the distance between us didn't last long the door closed and he was all over me. eventually we made it to his bedroom and some how his shirt was taken off in the process. is hand roaming my sides and back wanting to take me dress off, but i wanted to tease, lightly grinding down on him shaking my body a little. i looked down at his hands and notice the faded color on one of his fingers.

"your married?" i asked not stopping my actions just making the harder and slower.

"yea but she's a bitch and no where near as hot as you" he said breathlessly.

"do you like the color red James?" i asked completely stopping what i was doing.

" wait how do y-" but i cut him off.

"do you like red?" i asked leaning down so my face was about an inch away from his. he did nothing but nod is eyes glazed over with lust and hunger.

"good because i'm going to paint this room red..." i reached under my dress near my upper thigh and pulled out a knife. " red with the blood of a cheater"

before he could even react i buried the knife into chest, quickly pulling it out and slicing his neck. he began to cough holding his neck trying to stop the bleeding, i smirked blowing him a kiss before walking out of the room.

i walked into the dinning room and looked under the table for the envelope that had the money in it, i opened it and counted to make sure it was all there. the door opened and i hear the wife walk in, i meet her in the living room.

"is it done?" she asked when she saw me.

"yes dying as we speak" i said "pleasure doing business with you Mrs. black and im terribly sorry for your lose"

she smiled and nodded before walking me to the door, telling me thank you one last time before closing the door. i smirked as i took off the gloves and the thin layer of plastic that cover any skin that could touch anything also taking off the wig.

even though i killed the man the wife was going to take the fall, this was her dress and her knife. she wanted me to kill him because she found out he was cheating but she was cheating as well. i got in my car and drove away as i heard police sirens, sometimes i just love my job.

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