The Ride Home

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After you said your goodbyes and left the zoo, you put Dakota in his seat and buckle him up. You close the door and hop in the driver's seat. You start the car and your on you way to your house.

Dakota- Mommy, is it hard driving?

You- Not really baby. You just gotta practice.

Dakota- Ohhh-- Hey mommy?

That question phase of his! Smh.

You- Yes, hun?

Dakota- Do you like Chase?

You- I'm not sure Kota. I still and always will love your daddy, but Chase is always around and there for me. I think I do like him.

Dakota- I know he likes you.

You- Really? And how do you know that?

Dakota- Mommy, you're smart, pretty, and you have a big booty. Plus, he told me.

You-*Laugh* Kota, you are a mess.

Dakota- I know. But do you think Rose likes me?

You- Yeah. She told me she does. Plus you're too cute, you're funny, and you have swag.

Dakota- *Giggles* I know.

You pull into the garage and help Dakota out of the car. You unlock the door and walk in the house. Only to see Chris sitting on your couch waiting for you.

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