Admirable talk

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Few minutes went till Hoggle started calling for the little lady

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Few minutes went till Hoggle started calling for the little lady. And it annoyed Jareth. He was having a quiet moment with her and the stupid Hogwart had to ruin it!

"Little lady! We're ready." Hoggle called out. Sarah pulled away from Jareth and smiled.

"He's here!" She was excited. "We must go." And she left the room in a hurry leaving Jareth to wonder whom she liked more, him or those repulsive goblins. She was a wonder. Sarah saw Ludo and hugged his big body as Didymus made a knightly greeting. If it was possible she would end up kissing all but him.

Jareth sighed with vex as Sarah was hugging all like a kid. She was still 16 so...still a kid. Jareth cleared his throat.

"Are you planning to stay here and play hug and kiss all day?"

Sarah glared at Jareth for his harsh words towards his subjects. She stood up with her hands on her waist. "You should be nicer to them after all they do for you."

"Like what? Helping you to defeat me?"

Sarah didn't say anything. She looked at her friends and smiled in a manner that kind of sent a sting in Jareth. He never made her smile like this.

"Well, no time for chat." Jareth avoided his own tension. "We must go. Now."

"Yes, yes, yes. We must."

"OUUUT!" Ludo roared as usual while Didymus patted the beast gently.

"Brother Ludo, tranquil your enthusiasm. We must save them for our journey." He turned to Jareth. "At you service, your majesty."

"Alright." Jareth clapped his hands and walked ahead making Hoggle carry all of his things. Sarah only shook her head and took some baggage off the poor thing. She then followed behind all.

Then out of the castle, into the gardens and all the guards saluted and bowed to the king. "Look after my castle while I am gone. If I find it in wreck, consider your necks in my palms."

"Yes, your majesty."

With a chuckle they all set out. Sarah walked beside Jareth, holding a question in mind. "So...what really happened?"

He looked down at her and said. "It is a long story but we have time. My kingdom, you see, lives on magic. Every life depends on magic...even me." He gave her a smile and continued. "Magic is like God in this world and with every god there is a devil."

"A devil?" She repeated. "Like Satan?"

"If that is what you humans call it." He nodded and brought a crystal out of air and held it before her. It showed nothing but she could hear grumbling and growling. It scared her. "He has been put to prison from the beginning so it does not cause chaos and I have to check it from time to time, until last night."

"When I defeated you."

He didn't like the word nor the memory. "Your victory shattered the very power of this kingdom, opening thousand possibilities for this devil to escape and destroy this kingdom." He sounded really angry.

"But...I didn't mean it...and magic cannot be that weak that my very words could shake it." She tried to justify herself. "I tried to save my brother."

"You did...but you put my kingdom in jeopardy."

"I'm trying to help you!" She exclaimed and Hoggle held her hand to calm her down. Ludo patted her shoulder while Didymus said.

"Calm down, Lady Sarah. Frowns will put wrinkles on your beautiful face."

"Yes, calm down Sarah or else you will have wrinkles." Jareth dryly said.

"You are horrible." She said painfully. "So what must I do to defeat this thing?"

"I do not know. But know this Sarah, this time, it will not be easy. No one will help you out of this. You will do this alone."

"Not even you, goblin king?"

"Jareth." He corrected. "And no. I cannot." Then he saw her carrying bags. "Hand them to Hedgewart."

"Hoggle." She corrected. "And he shouldn't carry all of your things. So I am helping him."

Jareth clicked his tongue and walked on quietly. His mind was filled up with so many things. His face showed worry as Sarah noticed. She wanted to ask but she didn't. She didn't want him to think, she thought of him or even...

Stop it!

Silence remained and it killed Jareth, inside. Sarah chattered with her friends. They talked of various things like how her school was like, whether she had any human friends and whether she liked anyone.

Jareth's ears perked up hearing the last question. Did she like anyone?

"Never noticed. I was too engrossed in my stage audition. Although my step mother wanted me to date, I never wanted to."

"So you never had an interest in courting."

"I'm only 16. I don't think I am mature enough."

"You are plenty mature, Sarah. Plenty mature. Your aspiration towards stage plays is...quite admirable." He had to admit.

"Quite admirable, yes." Didymus nodded. "She showed us the plays she went to see with her mother and the man she is courting."

Jareth asked. "Your father?"

"No. He's my step-father. Jeremy...a nice man. He is charming. He is the reason why I am so interested into acting."

"I must say, your family life remains a mystery. As to why your mother does not stay with you and that crude woman does." Didymus opined and Hoggle agreed.

"It is not your mother who stays with you?" Jareth asked again.

"No, your majesty. It is another woman her father married. Little lady says, she's a madsy woman." Hoggle said.

"Mad. How mad?"

"Makes her does all the works."

"Hoggle." Sarah patted his head. "I was just immature. It's just, I don't like my stepmother. She tends to be a little authoritative. But she does think of me."

"Complicated feelings." Jareth commented. "And here we are."

They were in front of a labyrinth wall. "This will lead us to the place where we must proceed. I believe you have been there." He looked at Sarah.


"To Agnas."

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