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The goblin guards and dwarves were leading them to the castle. Their spears poked Sarah's back, pushing her to walk faster.

"Move it, girly!" they snarled.

"Stop it! I'm walking as fast as I can." Sarah scolded. Jareth was quiet but enjoying himself. Her small tantrums were quite amusing to him. The poking went on till they reached the high castle. It was nothing like Jareth's. It looked magnificent and white and...clean.


Jareth, however, was not impressed. To him it was mere show. "There is nothing to wow on. Pretty does not mean strong."

"If I didn't know better, goblin king, I say you re jealous."

"Jealous? Now why should I be jealous of this meagre castle? It looks like it will fall any second."

"Hah!" one of the goblins barked. "You say that now! Wait till you see our handsome king! His beauty will bring you to your knees!"

"His beauty is nothing compared to mine." Jareth argued and Sarah sniggered. He was really conscious about his beauty.

The guards pushed them into the castle, awing Sarah with the art of it. The buttresses and the walls were eye glistening and the colour was bright. It was beautiful.

They were taken to the throne room where they saw many goblins and faeries in expensive attire unlike the goblins of Jareth's kingdom.

And the king was sitting on his throne...his face smiling and his eyes twinkling. The goblins were not joking when they said he was handsome. He was handsome...just old. His white clean beard and his firm posture made Sarah feel that he was a fatherly man.

"Jareth!" he beamed. "Is that you? Oh, golly I thought I would never see the day when the goblin king steps into my castle."

"Jim." Jareth only responded with his name.

"Oh, what is the matter? Why are your hands raised? Are my guards treating you badly? Guards, move away."

"Yes, your majesty." They bowed and moved away from them. Jareth and Sarah put their hands down.

Jim, the king of free fae, came down his throne and stood before Jareth. Suddenly they pulled each other into an embrace and patted each other's back. Sarah never took the goblin king as a friendly man.

"Good to see you, Jareth. And who have you brought?" he looked at her and smiled. "Such a pretty young lady, you are." He took her hand and kissed it. "What's your name, love?"

"Sarah. Sarah Williams. Nice to meet you."

"Pleasure is mine, darling. Are you the girl who defeated this arrogant king at his own game? That is lovely! Just marvellous!" and he busted into laughter ad Jareth grunted. As the laughter died down, Jim softly said. "He needed to taste his own medicine. He should learn that not everything can be gained through bargains. Sometimes you just need to give."

"Can we not talk about it?" Jareth muttered. "We are here on business."

"Oh yes. But first we dine. My family will be thrilled to have you two."

Sarah's first imagination about his family, was goblins. It was a hilarious thought seeing his goblin wife and half goblin children. Jareth softly whined which confirmed her further doubts. They must be goblins.

"The she-goblins will take your champion to my guest room so she can change and look lovely for dinner. While you come and we catch up."

"Of course." Jareth nodded and looked at Sarah who did not seem too happy about it. She didn't want to separate just yet. She just got separated from her friends.

"You could use a shower. We just came through the junk yard, after all." It was his way of comforting her. Sarah was led to a room by female goblins while Jareth was taken by Jim.

"So..." Jim started as he leaned onto his open wide balcony. "What brought you here?"

"A sense of adventure, Jim." Jareth's voice was smooth.

"Always the sneaky king, always the one who doubt others."

"I have to be, in order to survive the goblins."

"Not always, Jareth. It always doesn't work...didn't work with the human." Jim looked out and sighed. "Why can't you just trust me?"

"I'm the goblin king. Not trusting others comes with the title." He shrugged.

"Alright..." Jim gave up. "What do you need?"

"The junk lady said she sold you something."

"Plenty sells to me. What is it that you particularly want?"

"A goblet..."

Jim fell into thought. "The goblet of life. Yes...I wonder what it was doing in the junk and in the hands of a junk lady." He said. "I knew I sensed trouble when I saw her selling it. Jareth...count yourself fortunate that it was me."

"I do." Jareth smirked.

"What if it was someone else? Some goblin or dwarf or faeries? Jareth...if you don't set yourself straight, soon everyone will turn against you. And I've already seen someone who turned against you."

And Jim meant the junk lady. Jareth narrowed his eyes and accused.

"Are you accusing me to mistreat everyone?"

" push people away and that causes others to grow wary of you. Not everyone is me..."

"Love struck."

Jim chuckled. "Yes, Jareth, I love you. You showed me the truth of this world and on that account, I will help you." He became worried though. "However I still don't know why you had to throw it in the first place."

"There was a reason why it was casted off, so it would not be misused." Jareth said and stood beside him.

"Now you want it back...Jareth, I noticed the balance hanging ever since you were defeated."

"It's not for me Jim..." Jareth became serious. Even when he couldn't put faith in anyone, he could confide in Jim for certain secrets.

"I never knew, the goblin king cared."

Neither did he.

"Join me for dinner, Jareth. Try and get along with my family. My daughters always wanted to meet you. They are pulling my hair and beard for it."

"Not sure. I don't want poor Sarah to be the object of envy."

Jim chuckled again. "Always the arrogant one." He patted Jareth and pulled him to the table where the goblins were serving with the faeries. Jareth took his seat with Jim when she came out in her blue velvet maxi. Her skin glowed in dark blue...Jareth took a moment before turning to Jim.

"That dress belongs to my youngest daughter." Jim smirked.

"Pretty. The dress, I mean."

Jim smirked and just let it go...for the moment.

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