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Sarah opened her eyes and saw her friends near her bed. All of them looked so worried that she felt bad. She tried to sit up but Hoggle held her.

"Lay down, Sarah! We don't want you to hurt yerself!" he said.

"I agree with brother Hoggle, my lady. You look terrible." Didymus said and Ludo moaned.

"Thank you, but I feel fine now. Am I back to the castle?"

"Yes. His majesty quickly sent for us as soon as he returned with you. He should be here by now." Didymus answered.

Before she could ask of the goblin king, he entered the room, looking surprised. She was smiling. How could she still smile?

"His majesty?" the goblins called. But Jareth couldn't move from his spot, nor respond. Hoggle asked. "Is something the matter, yer majesty?"

"Yes." Sarah asked too. "What's wrong?"

Jareth said nothing. He had no words. What would he say? Sarah looked at her friends. "Guys, can you give us some privacy, please?"

"Sure." They all obeyed and left the room, making Jareth more nervous. His eyes remained on Sarah.

She noticed the expression. She knew he felt guilty. He wasn't moving until Sarah tried getting off the bed but fell on her knees. Jareth quickly held her, scolding her.

"What are you doing? Get back to bed."

"I wake up and this is the first thing you say to me? You're horrible." She softly said.

"I'm the goblin king. I'm supposed to be horrible."

Sarah weakly giggled. "You're not horrible, you are just stupid."

Jareth ended up laughing as did Sarah and Jareth finally was able to smile at her. "I'm sorry."

"You don't have to be. None of us knew this. I guess...I will miss my parents and Toby...but nothing else. I guess...deep down...I was happy to come back."

"No, you don't mean that." Jareth said. "You have no idea what its like down here. I crave every day, to be out there..." as if a secret had been spilled, he moved away from her. He backed to the corner of the walls and was on his knees. "Forget, I said that."

"Forget?" Sarah neared him. "Why didn't you ever tell me?"

He tried not to say anything. He was suffocating inside. He was confused and frustrated with his feelings for her. He couldn't bring himself to just casually talk to her now. Something just hit his head that made him do this. He needed a good smacking.

Sarah reached her hand out to his face but he quickly grabbed it and it startled her. "Don't...please don't..."

"What's wrong with you? Why are you acting like this?"

"I cant..."

"Cant, what?" she asked.

" must get away from me...for the time being...till you understand few things."

"I'm not going anywhere." She was determined. " don't want me here."

"I want you here!" he defended himself. "But...for're too young and too innocent. I must..."

Sarah didn't let him finish. "You must not do anything stupid that will make me angry, Jareth!"

Jareth looked at her with shock. "You said my name."

"Yes." She admitted. "I called you Jareth..."

He was tempted to hear his name again but he resisted because he felt like forcing her. He didn't want to force her. He took her hand to his lips and kissed it. "That means so much to me."

"Then don't send me away...not even for a day. I want to be here with you all...I have lost everything." Tears glistened in her eyes that made him feel very bad. She leaned her head on his chest and he let her. He exhaled deeply, understanding what she was going through. The eternal loneliness taught him enough. He kept her hand to his lips. He liked it and so did she. It didn't make her uncomfortable.

"I'm sorry...I wont send you to Jim's." he said through Sarah's hand and pulled away. "Get back to bed now. You still need to rest."

Sarah smiled and nodded and Jareth helped her back to bed. He put the blanket on her and patted her head. Sarah remembered how her mother used to put her back to bed till she had to be with her father. He used to put her to bed until he remarried.

She understood it now.



"Can we have a party someday with everyone here? The fiery, the people of the Free Fae, the greasy king and...everyone?"

Jareth softly nodded. "Yes. "

"But now...can you tell me a story?"

"A story?" Jareth asked.

She nodded. "My father used to tell me stories...until he stopped."

Jareth smiled and said. "Of course. I will tell you one of this land." A book appeared in his hand and he opened it. He started reading the book telling her a story of underground which had all-action, tragedy, adventure, love, drama.

Sarah listened to it and enjoyed it. She put her hand on his for closure and he took her hand in his.

Jareth, while reading, understood what she truly needed. She needed caring, understanding and love from a father. She missed her father's love.

She needed him to be her father now.

The kiss was forgotten between them but Jareth was sure that she would someday recall it and understand the meaning of it. However he wasn't too eager for that day to come. He was content taking care of her and he would cherish little Sarah while it lasted.

They were both content with everything now.

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