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"Are we there yet?" Sarah asked for the umpteenth time and Jareth sighed and answered again.

"No. Sarah, it hasn't even been an hour."

"I cant help it. I'm anxious and I haven't seen my friends. Can you show them to me?"

Jareth took out a crystal and within it appeared, Ludo, Hoggle and Didymus. There were looking for them in the forest, still. They were searching for her, without rest and Sarah wanted to shout to them to go home.

"Poor Hoggle...poor Ludo...Didymus."

"And poor me. I'm stuck with you." Jareth smirked at her and Sarah stuck her tongue out. She was comfortable with him now and she didn't mind taking his elbow. She felt like...she was walking with a wise friend.

He put the crystal away and walked on. He felt that he didn't need to tell her the troubling part. She was only 16 and not old enough to understand. Sure, she reacted to his teasing and advances but...she was just a child in her heart.

But if he cannot tell her now...he might not have another chance.

He felt guilty for even feeling this way.

"Goblin King?" Sarah called Jareth back to reality and he was about to correct her again, but stopped. He shouldn't force her into doing things...he just realised.

"I hear waterfall!" Sarah exclaimed and Jareth noticed the sound too. They must be there.

"Yes..." he said as Sarah left his elbow and rushed ahead without him. They found the small waterfall and she was awed to see such beauty before her.

"Oh! This is gorgeous!" she excitedly said and sat in front of it. "How do we drink it?"

"With the goblet of course." He sat beside her and took out the goblet. He didn't dunk it in the water. He took a good look at Sarah first. This may be his only chance.

"What is it?"

"Sarah." Jareth started. "Should things go wrong in the no-magic zone...promise me...that you will do what your heart wants."

"Of course..." she wondered why he would state the obvious. "I always do what my heart wants." Then she asked. "What's wrong?"

Jareth looked away. "Nothing." He took water in the goblet and handed it to her. "Drink it."

"Okay..." she took the goblet and drank it and within one blink she found herself in dark with nothing in her hand and without the goblin king.

"Goblin king?" she stood up, hoping to hear from him. "Is this it?" she walked around, seeing nothing. "Goblin King!" she shouted out. "Where are you? What's going on?!" she started panicking. Nothing was right here...nothing felt right.

Jareth, on the other hand found himself in dark, as well...but without Sarah. He thought they would meet together in the same place. "Sarah!" he shouted but got no response. He tried using magic but was unable to do so. This was the non-magic zone.

"Oh no..." he then realised...this was all a trap. "SARAH!"

Sarah was almost on the verge of crying. She couldn't do this alone. She needed her friends. Jareth was her friend. She fell on her knees and cried on her palms. How will she tackle this alone?

"Sarah..." she heard a voice...a woman's voice. She looked up and saw light falling on a flower...a beautiful flower. "Sarah..." it called her again. Sarah kneed to the flower and looked down at it.

"Are you talking to me?" Sarah asked.

"Who else is here, silly?" sounded like her mother. "Don't be scared."

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