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Sarah was surprised to see that Jim's wife and children were not goblins. They looked human with pointy ears and glowing skin. She was mesmerised.

They were at the table. Sarah was beside Jareth and could feel the glares of the princesses-Jim's daughters. He had three daughters and two sons. His queen was lovely looking. Compared to them...she felt nothing.

Sarah realised that Jim's daughters had serious crush on the goblin king.

Jareth and Jim was quiet while the princesses were asking everything they could about Sarah. They laughed whenever they heard something funny about the aboveground and it embarrassed her.

Jareth had enough of the waste of time. He was running out of time. He cleared his throat and caught Jim's attention.

"I don't have much time."

"Of course, you don't. But it will not come easy." He said.

"State your price, Jim. I always have something I can bargain with."

"Not this time, Jareth." Jim was serious and left the table. "My family and this young lady will be witness to this. I have the goblet with me, hidden safely in my vault. Many are looking for this now your kingdom rests on the edge. Many will try and throw you over and since I bought it with a price, I require something of equal value in turn."

"Do not tell me...marrying one of your daughters?"

Sarah almost spit out her food. She never knew women were after him like that and a father would be willing to hand his daughter to this demon.

Jim laughed out loud and Sarah noticed the girls almost blushing. The laughter died down and he quickly became serious. "No. I want you to stop stealing infants...once and for all."

Jareth became serious too. "Excuse me? I do what I wish. You have no right to interfere in my business."

"I do, Jareth...trust me...I do."

Sarah never expected Jim to become this serious. Jareth took a moment of silence till he smiled and said. "Alright."

"It's not alright. I want you to make an oath. A blood oath."

"A blood oath?" Jareth's eyes showed fire. He didn't like the offer. "Are you looking to be my enemy?"

"Jareth...I mean it. I don't want anyone else to suffer as I did. You must make that blood oath or you don't get the goblet."

Sarah did not have any idea what Jim spoke of but she understood when he said that he didn't want anyone else to suffer as he did.

Jareth only looked at Sarah without her notice. He wondered how much could he do for her. Can he sacrifice everything for her?

"Fine." He distastefully agreed. "I will make that oath."

"Good." Jim said and left his chair. He held out his hand and waited till Jareth left his chair and held his hand out. Soon bubbles appeared in Jareth's hand, turning to crystal balls and he said.

"I, Jareth, King of the Goblins, Creator of Labyrinth, make this blood oath to Jim, King of Free Fae, that I shall not steal children upon any wish of humans. Should I break this oath, my life will be ended."

Sarah was shocked. She wanted this to stop. In no manner she wanted the goblin king to die. The crystal floated and turned to a bubble again and this time went to Jim's hand. It turned back to a crystal and fell into his hand.

"And I, Jim, King of the Free Faes, accept this oath on my life. Should he break this oath and his life ends, my life too shall end with his."

And the crystal turned red...it turned to a bubble again and popped with a hissing sound. The oath had been made. Not all were happy with this. But it was something between the kings.

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