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She didn't know why but her head hurt like hell. It felt as if someone pushed a metal in her head. Jareth and Sarah were on the ground together. He still held onto her, under his body. Jareth slightly pulled away from her to see her clutching her head painfully and whimpering.

"Sarah. Sarah, what's wrong?" he pushed the hair off her face.

She croaked in pain and struggled. "It hurts! Why does my head hurt?" she cowered.

"Its okay, Sarah." He pulled her to his chest and sat up. He let her rest on his chest while she sobbed quietly in pain.

"It's so...painful."

"Don't worry...I'll make the pain go away." He raised his hand and a bowl of water appeared. He held it to her lips. "Drink this. It will rid the pain."

She slowly took a sip and exhaled. The bowl vanished and he embraced her completely. She unintentionally tried pushing him away. "Let go...you jerk..." she wearily said. But he held her and warmly said.

"I am sorry."

"You...you let those...idiots play with our heads..." she almost cried.

"I am sorry." He said again.

"You...are...horrible, goblin king." She murmured.

"I am sorry...Sarah."

"You hate...me."

He wanted to say so badly that he didn't hate her. He didn't. He didn't know what he felt towards her. He craved for her attention. He wanted her to talk to him. He wanted her to think and worry for him. He wanted her to stay with him for the rest of her life.

He was ashamed of thinking like that. She was 16...a child. How could he think of possessing her? How could he even think that she should set her world around him only? Putting her in a cage like this?

"I never hated you..." he said and looked at her to see her sleeping. "Sleep, precious thing. You need this sleep." He rested his chin on her head. He liked this...he like this proximity with her. He felt like her shining knight, father, brother, friend and...even lover.

He wanted to take care of her and care about her. Of course, at times, he feels like amusing himself by teasing her and he can't help it. But he didn't hate her.

He shut his eyes and rested together.

Jareth didn't figure how long they were resting. Time didn't work when he was deeply involved in something he liked. But Sarah stirred and opened her eyes. She found herself in Jareth's embrace. Her heartbeat increased. She was never this close to any man other than her father, Toby and Jeremy.

Being this close to the goblin king...made her feel all tingly.

"Uh..." she moved Jareth so he would wake. He did and found her awake.

"How is the pain now?"

"It's gone. Thank you...but can you free me?"

"I suggest you rest a little longer." He said.

"What happened anyway?" she asked.

"Agnes...betrayed us and whoever has set this...is trying to stop us. So it used its magic to separate us."

"Poor Hoggle, poor Ludo, Didymus. I hope they are not hurt. I hope they are safe." She said.

"Safer than us." Jareth admitted. "The enemy will not harm them because you are with me."

"Really?" Sarah sounded a little relieved. "Then I am happy. They are safe then." She shut her eyes.

Jareth wondered whether she would ever think of him like this. He asked.

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