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Jareth stopped running to catch his breath. He brought a crystal to see only to see nothing.

"Curse that Jim! Forbidding magic in places where I need it the most." Jareth looked around and shouted out. "Sarah!"

But he heard nothing from her. He only heard cackles of laughter. He exhaled and realised who they were. They crawled and climbed down and around the trees. Some hanging like monkeys and some hugging like koala bears. Jareth was not surprised but annoyed. He was not in the mood.

"Look 'ooo's 'ere?" they sniggered. "Pointy 'aired king!" and they burst into laughter.

"Where is the girl?" Jareth asked.

"Wat gal? I aint see no gal! Ha ha ha...!!"

Jareth rolled his eyes and suddenly grabbed one of their throat and pulled it near to him. "What is wrong with this forest? Why has the magic vanished here?"

"Don you know? King Beard Jim made a deal with our King that no one can use magic in this forest because it doesn't belong to 'im."

Jareth yanked the monkey away and clicked his tongue. "That idiot Jim...always giving opportunities to others. It was a mistake bringing him in this world..." he glared at the rest. "Where has your king taken her?"

"Only will tell if you 'ave some-in to give."

"A gift you want?" Jareth raised an eyebrow with a smirk. This was what he was good at, gifting people with wishes with the monkey's paw effect. Then he realised that his magic wouldn't work here and the creatures were waiting for him to remember it. They sprout into laughter.

"Then how about something for your king?" Jareth suggested. "I propose my captivity to your king. Oh, he will be so pleased with you mangy monkeys." He gave a smile to die for.

"Ooh, ooh, ooh!" the rest agreed and applauded. "Ee will be so pleased with us."

"Capture the goblin king!"

"We'll be stinkin rich!"

"Hee haaa hee!"

They quickly proceeded taking him to the king.

Sarah was struggling within the grips of the stupid creatures who were similar looking to goblins and monkeys. She couldn't figure which they were. But they were strong.

"Leave me! Let go, you stupid monkeys!"

They laughed at her struggle and roped her around a tree while she tried slapping and kicking. Some pulled her hair and some sleeves.

"Calls us monkeys, she says!"

"What a pretty dress?"

"Pretty hair. Lets chop it. Chop, chop chop."

"No!" Sarah shouted, terrified and they laughed. But it soon died down when a fat one came in and everyone bowed to him. He made a 'grrm' 'grum' sound and each of his footsteps shook the ground.

"Wat 'ave we 'ere? Grmmm..." he stopped and looked at Sarah. " new bride."

"B-bride!" Sarah exclaimed.

"Yea...wat else 'ave we brought you 'ere? To be me bride. Every king needs a bride."

Her eyes were bulging out and she stammered. "I-I cannot be your bride! I'm only 16!" the creatures were preparing for the wedding, ignoring her reasons.

"Younger the better. Me no want old wife. Me want youngen ones."

She could only panic in her mind. God, why did she run away from the goblin king? She should have stayed with him.

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