Away with the wind

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"Damn!" Sarah cursed. "And here I thought I would never have to see them again."

"Them fierys are nuts!" Hoggle said.

"Surely they can be civilised with his majesty here." Didymus said.

"Fiery...dumb." Ludo nodded. Jareth sighed because they always seemed to chat without him as if he never existed. Why did he bother coming if these four were bosom buddies? He observed the little girl. He was tempted to talk to her. He wanted her to notice him and talk to him. But she didn't because she was still a child to see his charm.

"Goblin king." Sarah suddenly called.

"Yes." He looked at her.

"How do we deal with them?"

"Hmm..." Jareth got lost in thoughts. Should he do something to amuse himself? Should he do something in revenge for ignoring him? Maybe...maybe.

"I think I know how they will bow down."

"You do?" Sarah's face brightened. "Then tell us."

"Not now. Come." He gestured them to follow him and they did through all the junk. Sarah wondered what the goblin king had in mind. But what Jareth thought, was hilarious to him. He waved his hand and opened another door within a large pile of junk and led them inside. And this time Sarah held Jareth's arm on her own. Jareth smiled to himself and didn't let anyone see it.

They soon came out in the dark forest where they heard singing and...drums? Sarah remained close to Jareth so the Fiery would come and try to pull her head off.

"Its them. Do you hear Agnes?" Sarah asked Hoggle who shook his head.

"I hear nothing." He said.

"If they do something silly, I will cut their heads off." Didymus took out his sword.

"They can cut their own heads off. You need not bother." Jareth walked with Sarah and the rest till they reached where the fiery were. They were dancing around a bonfire, pulling their body parts out and throwing it everywhere.

They were watching behind trees. Sarah clutched on Jareth's sleeve that made him smile. Should he abandon his plan to amuse himself? Maybe...but then.

"I don't think I can go up against them idiots." Hoggle feared.

"If you can prevent them from touching me, I'll kiss you all." Sarah said.

"Even me?" Jareth smirked at her and she stuttered.

"N-No. I meant my friends. Not you."

Maybe not. He should go on with his plans. He held Sarah's hand and made her let go off his sleeve. Sarah was confused as he came out of the shadows, declaring his presence.


"Wha...?" they all turned to him and cackled a laughter. "If it isn't his majesty?"

"King of goblins!"

"King of loneliness!"

"The one who was defeated! Ha ha ha!" and it became a capital joke for them. Sarah felt bad for him. She never knew this his loss would create such embarrassment for him. She never apologised. But Jareth took the joke like a true king. He smirked pulled one of their heads and poked the eye.

"Ouch! Whatcha doin? Stop it loser king!"

"You tell me where the junk lady is and I will be kind enough not to poke your eyes." Jareth smiled.

"We don't know no junk lady." One said.

"We know only junk!" and they burst into laughter. "But we can tells you if you gives us something."

"How about an adventure for you all?" he said.

"An adventure you say?" they stopped. "What kinds of adventures?"

"You will tell me the location of the junk lady and I will let you play with my toys."

"Toys! The king plays toys!" it became another joke and they started laughing and Jareth nodded with them.

"Oh, but they are live toys-living and breathing. Want to try and play with their heads?"

"Oh no..." Hoggle whispered.

"What is it?"

Before Hoggle could answer Sarah, the fiery caught them out of nowhere and pulled them out. They all screamed and Didymus and Ludo were trying to fight them. The whole thing seemed funny to Jareth.

"Do something, goblin king!" Sarah shouted.

"Well I cant. They will have fun till I find Agnes." He shrugged.

"You are horrible!" they tried to pull Sarah's head. "Stop it!"

Jareth rolled his eyes and looked around, hoping to find Agnes. There she was...picking things from the ground and throwing them on her back. He walked to her, leaving the rest in peril. He stood in front of her till she noticed. She said nothing.

"I come for the goblet, Agnes." He said.

"The goblet is long lost, your majesty." She avoided looking at him. Jareth frowned and knelt before her looking very serious.

"I am not in the mood for games Agnes. Where is the goblet?"

Agnes mumbled gibberish to herself. In just one day, she turned her back on him. This was the Agnes who tried to deviate Sarah's way but was trying to cheat him.

"I have chosen my side. You are no longer the powerful king. The little girl has left you with no power. You no longer have power over anyone...your majesty."

Jareth stood up hearing that. So this was what it came down to. He raised his hand and the fiery suddenly was blown away from them. The fiery yelled and scattered away from them. They took their parts and ran away, shouting curses.

Sarah and the rest rushed to Jareth and they all frowned at him while he glared at Agnes. He asked again. "Where is the goblet?"

"I sold it." she said. "To the king next door.

"There is a king next door?" Sarah whispered to Hoggle who shrugged.

"To him, eh?" he repeated with a smirk. "Be gone, Agnes. Let me not see you again."

Agnes murmured and walked away and Jareth turned to see 4 pairs of angry eyes at him. Sarah put her hands on her waist and glared at him.

"Why the lovely frowns?"

"You handed us to the fiery. You are horrible!" Sarah shouted. "And here I was, feeling bad."

"You...were feeling bad for me?" Jareth was taken back.

"Was!" she emphasized. "Now its all gone. You deserve it, you jerk."

Jareth looked troubled. Now he felt ashamed for what he did. He reached his hand out to her to comfort her. However before he could, the entire forest started blowing with the wind and Jareth quickly held Sarah's hand. Sarah tried to hold the rest but Ludo quickly held them and was blown away by the wind.

"Sarah!" they screamed her name and they faded. Jareth quickly held Sarah close to him and was blown away somewhere unknown.

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