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"That was quick. I thought we would need to go far away." Sarah murmured.

"So does I, little lady." Hoggle nodded.

"There no way where I do not know." Jareth mightily said. "Now." He raised his hand to do something when they heard.


They turned around and saw a worm with blue bushy hair and a red scarf.

"Worm!" Sarah got excited and bent to him. "How are you?"

"Little time, no see. Wanna meet the missus for tea? She got the kettle on." He politely said.

"Oh, that's so kind of you, but we really have to be on our way." Since last time, Sarah finally learned not to be impatient with this worm.

"Oh! Is that your majesty? Your majesty, my greetings." The worm bowed which was basically bending to him.

"You made friends with this thing too, eh?" Jareth raised an eyebrow. "You have the oddest choice of friends."

"Better than a lonely king." Sarah was not afraid of saying it. But Jareth decided to ignore it.

"We must continue. Be gone, worm!"

"Course, your majesty. See you little later."

"I will see you soon, worm and have tea with your misses."

"Missus." He corrected. "See yah later all."

And he wiggled back to his little hole and Jareth sighed. "Finally." He waved his hand in front of the wall and it opened like a gate, revealing nothing but dark.

"I never knew this way existed." Sarah gasped.

"Didn't I either." Hoggle joined.

"This is fantastic." Didymus chuckled.


"Ow shut up you all!" Jareth barked and went inside and vanished.

"It's so dark. Kind of scary." Sarah looked at the other three.

"I am not afraid of the dark. I can follow his majesty." And he went inside. Ludo gulped along with Hoggle and were hesitating. But they decided to go in before Sarah just to see whether it was safe. And they did...

"Hoggle!" She called. "Ludo! Didymus!" But none answered. "Okay, Sarah...don't be a coward." She just couldn't enter though. She bit her lips nervously.

A hand came out of the dark scaring her and she squeaked out. The hand turned out to be Jareth's who came back out. He had a proud look on his face. "You call everyone but me."

His hand remained in front of her. "Will you take it or not? It's for your benefit. I will guide you in the dark."

She looked at him momentarily and then at his hand. He never held out his hands to her before. She didn't know why...but she took it. This was the first time she felt his skin. It was warm and firm. He took her in the dark and blinded her sight.

"Goblin king!"

"It is alright Sarah. I am here. You are holding the hand of a king who knows every corner of this place."

Her body felt light in the dark. It felt like she was gliding. "Where are the rest?"

"They are already with Agnes."

"Who is Agnes?"

"You know her." His voice was light. And it soothed her. They went on quietly, hand in hand until they saw light. It was a gate through which she could see...junk?

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