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She didn't what she saw. She didn't know what she felt. The pressure in her chest wanted to burst out and spread.

But Jareth knew how she felt, even when she was unconscious. He had her on his bed with a fluffy blanket on her. Hoggle, Ludo and Didymus were brought back by the goblin servants. Jareth was confused. He was confused about the kiss. Did she truly feel the same way? Did she truly love him? Did she sacrifice her life with Toby to save him because she loved him? Or was she being plain grateful?

Of course, he knew that she didn't know about her death. Would she have chosen a different path then? Probably not. Who would want to die? Maybe that was why she was never given information of her death to see whether she possessed a pure heart. And she did. She thought she had a choice between going back home and being here. She chose the latter. She, in a way, sacrificed her way to home.

He wanted to hold her, hug her and kiss her. But he couldn't because she was still a child. He couldn't do that to her. He couldn't confuse her childhood with complicated adult feelings. Maybe someday she will know and love him...but not now. Now she needed comfort from an adult...not courting.

He left the bed and walked to the window and looked outside. The yellow sun had laid over his kingdom like a blanket and the labyrinth shined with beautiful shadows within.

He was confused about other things too. Why did Agnes say she chose the other side? There was no other side. There was no battle. Why was she being so villainous?

Why did Jim make him take the blood oath?

Why did Sarah come to this world instead of going to heaven?

How did Agnes know that he would die?

Something was hidden from him. Someone was playing a game with him. He needed to talk to them. He needed to sort things out. He looked at Sarah's sleeping body and soon left.

He went down the stairs to the deepest corners of the castle. He opened one of the many secret doors he had on the walls and descended more stairs into the dark. At the bottom, there was only darkness spare one light.

It was in the middle of the room and under the light was a mirror. He stood before the mirror and called.

"Come out!"

And the glass shattered to pieces but the pieces did not fall to the ground. They spread in the air and through each piece a face could be seen. One of them was Jim.

"I was waiting."

"What is the meaning of this?" Jareth asked through his teeth. The humans have conspired something against him.

"Meaning of what?" Another asked. It was a woman.

"This whole thing!" he snarled. "Agnes, you, Sarah, mother magic!"

"We assure you, nothing was done against you." A man said this time.

"We knew your life was in danger." A woman said.

"So we had to make you stop stealing babies." Another said.

"But I've brought you all here!" Jareth shouted. "And you all said you were happy!"

"We are, Jareth. We are happy...but we know how you feel." Jim said this time.

"What do you mean?" Jareth frowned.

"You steal babies on wishes." Said one.

"Even when you do not want to." Said another.

"We see your face sulking every time you bring an abandoned baby." Said the third.

"You feel worse when none of them wants the babies back." Said the fourth.

"Only one wanted the baby back." And it went on.

"Sarah Williams."

"She defeated you with the help of her friends."

"She learned her lesson and you learned yours."

"But with her she took your heart and essence."

"Which connects now the both of you."

"Mother magic knew how much you fell for her that you did not tell her."

"So she decided to act for the best."

"Mother magic exists there and it does here."

"But as luck."



"So?" Jareth didn't understand."

"Jareth...mother magic knew she would die and thus she brought her back from aboveground."

"It was all for you...Jareth."

"For me...for me? Why? Why would you do it for me?" Jareth bitterly laughed. "I stole you all from your families."

"Why did you lie to her?"

"Why did you lie to her about your kingdom being taken over by evil even when she defeated you?"

"So you could take her to the magic mother and she would choose to return."

"And you thought that she was still alive."

"You were willing to sacrifice yourself for her."


Jareth couldn't answer. He possibly couldn't say it to them.

"We love you Jareth. That's why we did it. You know why you were helping Sarah."

"You love her."

"Stop!" Jareth shut his eyes.

"There is no shame admitting it."

"You can still love her."

"You can wait."

"You can be what she needs you to be."

"A father, brother, friend and lover."

"You have all the time to wait."

"She will grow."

"She'll live."

"Only with you and for you."

Jareth turned his back on the broken mirror and Jim spoke.

"Jareth...there is no shame in loving someone. Of course her age does matter. But you can be what she needs you to be. Why are you so afraid?"

"Because...I do not trust myself." Jareth admitted and turned to the mirror. "What if I do something bad to her?"

"You won't. You may be mischievous."




"But not evil." Jim finished. "You cannot harm her. I know you, Jareth...I know my mentor."

Jareth was quiet and murmured. "How do I...how can I ever face her?"

"You can. She has long forgiven you. You'll be fine..."

"Your majesty!" he heard everyone calling for him upstairs.

"She must be awake...go on now." Jim said. "Take care."

"We will come and visit you soon." The rest said and bid farewell. Their images vanished and the mirror was back to one piece.

Jareth turned and walked away, hoping that she had awakened.

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