The Winter Soldier

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Chapter 3

Elora P.O.V

I lay on the bed wrapped in the blanket, curled into a ball like i normally do when I try to sleep at Hydra.

My ears prick at the quiet sound of footsteps. The other times people entered the room the footsteps were loud, like they wanted to be heard.

But not this time.

I sat up quickly and spotted my visitor. He had long brown messy hair and a metal arm that braced a red star. I studied him for a few seconds before I finally realised his appearance.

"The Winter Soldier." I whisper. Slightly in shock.

He didn't speak, he didn't move. He just stood there with his arms crossed, starring at me.

I slowly pulls the blanket off myself and stood up. Looking at him again, making sure I hadn't made a big mistake.

"Your him, aren't you?" I ask. Approaching the glass of my cell.

I get one word in reply. "Who?"

"The Winter Soldier. Your him. One of Hydra's best assassins. Why are you here?" I question.

"I don't work for Hydra. Not anymore." He tells me. His glare cold and harsh as he looked upon me.

I narrow my eyes. "Traitor!" I hiss.

"I'm no traitor. Hydra lied to me for years and turned me into a monster. Turned my against my best friend." He growled.

I roll my eyes. "I've heard it all. Hydra wanted their own Super Soldier after Captain America was created. They got their hands on you and froze you. Years later you were released and sent to kill the Captain after he froze for 70 odd years." I mutter.

The assassin shook his head. "I guess Hydra didn't tell you everything?"

I shrug. "Not really. There was a big commotion about 'The Winter Soldier' not so long about back at base. Stories were told but i only picked up bits and pieces." I tell him.

"Then let me tell you the real story. And what Hydra is really like." He said in a softer voice.

"The real story?" I ask, suddenly very interested in the super soldiers past. He nods. "Yes, the real story."

"Well okay." I say as i sit on the floor. The Winter Soldier took a seat in a chair that faced my cell. "First off. My name is James Buchanan Barnes. But i prefer Bucky. And i was fighting against Hydra with Steve long before I faight against Steve with Hydra. In 1945 I fell off one of Hydra's train. I thought I was dead. But no. I lost an arm instead. Hydra found me and I got this."

He held up his metal arm.

"I didn't understand what was going on. I was wiped and frozen till they had use of me-" I cut him off.

"They wiped you?" I ask, confused. "What does that mean?"

He leant forward on the chair. Resting his head in his hand. "It means you lose all your memories. A clean slate. A fresh start." He explains. I shudder, remembering the few times I had been stuck in a dreadful machine.

The soldier continued. "But from time to time I was thawed out for assassinations. Then frozen again. Used like a puppet. But when I had to fight Steve things were different. At first it was normal, then he said my name when we fought on the bridge. IT brought back memories. But... I was wiped again."

He seemed to go on for hours with this story. But i listened to every word. Asking a question every now and then about his past.

I knew I had to put phase 2 of the plan into action, but i didn't know if he would fall for it. Being an ex-Hydra assassin and all.

"Since I told you everything about me. Maybe you can tell me about you?" He said once hes finished his story.

I look down. "There's not much to me." I say, sounding sad and trying to look upset.

"Well I'm sure Terra Nova isn't your real name." He states. I nod. "It's not. In fact I hate that name. It makes no sense. But i haven't used my real name in years. It since I became the freak I am today." I sigh.

Was he buying it?

"Do you mind telling me your real name?"

'Time to put phase 2 into action.'

I take a deep breath. "It's.. it's.. Elora. My names Elora." I tell him.

He stays quiet for a minute. I look up at him. "No last name?" He asks.

I shake my head. "I have one. I don't tend to use it anymore. Like my real name." I look him in the eye.

"Can i know your full name?"

'He's totally buying it.' I think who glee. But i had I keep this act up or i'd blow everything.

"I.. well... yes. My name.... my name is... uh.. Elora Parka... Maximoff." I whisper.

I don't get a reply. I watch as his facial expression turns into one of pure shock. "Are.. you okay?" I ask him.

"I have to go. I need to talk to someone. Or some people." He says standing up. Knocking the chair he had been sitting on over. It landed on the floor with a loud clatter.

The soldier- or James -or Bucky... whatever he's called! Rushed out of the room. Not saying another word.

"Uh ... bye?" I mutter, getting to my feet.

I hadn't expected that reaction.

Bucky P.O.V

As soon as I heard her last name something clicked.


The twins.

I rushed out as soon as I could. Leaving Elora confused in her cell. I needed to find the twins and talk to them.

Much of SHEILD do not trust me. And I am working on gaining their trust. But Steve said maybe me talking to the girl, since she and I both deal with Hydra, would get her to talk. And it did.

But now I have to report this to Steve.


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