long lost sister?

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Chapter 4

3rd person P.O.V

Bucky ran to Steve as he trained. "Steve. I got her to talk!" He tells him. The second super soldier stopped his assult on the punching bag to look at his friend.

"You did?" He asked, unwrapping the binding on his hands. Bucky nodded. "She knew who I am. Or used to be. So I told her about Hydra and what they done to me. After that she told me her name. But there's a problem."

Steve nearly tackled Bucky as HE finished his sentence. "She told you her name?! What is it?!"

Bucky shook his head. "That's the problem. Her name is Elora Parka Maximoff. Maximoff Steve."

"Maximoff." Steve repeated. "Like Wanda and Pietro Maximoff?" He asked. Bucky nodded. "I think we need to talk with them."


The two soldiers found the twins sitting witch Natasha in the lounge. Wanda looked up and sent a small smile to Steve before returning to the conversation.

"Wanda, Pietro. Can we talk for a second?" Steve asks. Not wanting in intrude on their conversation, but knowing he had to.

Wanda looked up again. "Is something wrong?" She asked. Steve shook his head as Bucky spoke up.

"Does the name Elora Parka Maximoff mean anything to you two?"

The twins remained silent. Pietro looked down at the floor and Wanda stared off into the distance. "H-how do you know zhat name?" Pietro asked quietly.

Steve's face held a look of confusion. "So that name does mean something to you?"

Wanda nodded. "Our baby sister. She was one when our parents died and we turned to Hydra. They promised not to touch her... But..." She trailed off.

Pietro sighed and looked up. "But they took her from us. She never made it through the experiments. And its all our fault."

Bucky and Steve glanced at each other before looking back at the heartbroken twins. Pietro still looking at them. "How do you know our sisters name?"

Steve sighed. "The prinsoner. That's her name. Are you sure your sister was killed by the experiments?"

Wanda's head snapped up and she looked straight at Steve. "Elora died. This must just be some sick game Hydra are playing." She hissed.

Bucky shook his head. "Well this Elora looked pretty genuine when she told me her name. Knowing Hydra they could have lied to you about your sister."

There was a sudden woosh of air and there was one less person in the room. "Pietro!" Wanda shouted as her brother bolted out of the room.

She ran after Pietro. With Steve, Bucky and Natasha hot on her heels.

Elora P.O.V

Red goes with blue.

Green goes with silver.

I sat twirling my fingers as the different coloured wisps danced around in the air. I watched as they changed formation and merged into one bigger wisp of purple magic.

A small smile crept into my lips as the larger wisp of magic changed shape. Turning into small purple stallion that ran around in the air above me. Then it's shape changed again. Moulding into a bird. An Eagle. And spreading its wings.

The sound of a door opening and clattering shut in under 3 seconds made me jump and lose concentration. The eagal disappeared with a purple poof of dust.

I looked towards the door to see it swinging slightly on its hinges. My mouth falls open slightly as I try to figure out who entered. The room fell to silence.

"Your last name? Is Maximoff is it not?" A thick Russian accent spoke from the other side of the cell. When I turned around to face my visitor I was surprised to find him actually in the cell with me. QuickSilver somehow got into my cell.

"H-how did you do that?" I ask as I raise my hands up out in front of me. Ready to hit him with a blast of ice or fire if he attacked. But he didn't move, he only watched me.

The door to the room opened again followed by the cry of "Pietro get out of there! She'll kill you!"

I turned my head away from QuickSilver to see my other visitors. He looked over aswell, seeing the 4 new people in the room.

"No Wanda. What if its her? What if Hydra didn't kill her?" Quicksilver looked at his sister.

I looked from person to person. I rasied an eyebrow. "H-have i missed something or..?"

Scarlet Witch turned to me. Did she... is she crying?

"Vhat is your name?" She asked taking a few steps towards my cell.

I frown. "Elora." I answer. "Elora Maximoff."

She smiled a teary smile. "Your alive?" She whispers. I blink in confusion. "Yes. I'm pretty sure I'm alive."

I turn around to see Quicksilver gone from my cell. "O-kay? Someone want to explain whats going on here?" I look over to Bucky. Searching for an answer.

But Steve stepped forward. "Elora. This is Wanda and Pietro Maximoff. We believe they're your older brothr and sister."

I freeze. Looking from Scarle- Wanda to Pietro. This was a joke. It must be.

I force out a laugh. It sounded nervous and not what i wanted it to sound like. "This is a joke right? I was told my siblings died when i was a baby. Thats why I was sent from Sokovia to Florida."

Wanda shook her head. "We were told our baby sister was killed by the experiments she went through. We thought we'd never see her again."

Pietro remained silent. Still just looking at me. Studying me before he turned to Wanda. "She has mother's eyes." He whispered.

I frown. "I can't be your sister. This is impossible..." I turn my back to them and pull out my locket. Running my thumb over the symbol.

'This wasn't apart of the plan. This changes everything...'

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