Mama's special stew

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Elora P.O.V

I sat on a high stool in the kitchen as I watched Wanda make a stew that apparently our mother used to make for us.

She was telling me all about our parents as she cooked. And what her and Pietro's life was like before Hydra. I sat listening intently, picking at my cast at the same time.

"You know, I vasn't to happy to have a younger sibling. Vhen mother told us she vas expecting a baby I got jealous. I was only 8 at the time. But Pietro was super excited. And that made me even more jealous." Wanda spoke softly as she told the story. Stopping every now and then to add a spice to the stew.

"I vas zhe youngest and I wanted it to remain zhat vay." She continued. "But vhen you vere born and father brought me and Pietro to visit you and mother in hospital, I fell in love vith you. I vasn't jealous of you, but of everyone else when zhey held you. Because I wanted to hold you for hours. And vhen you vere brought home I'd spend every vaking hour playing vith you. In zhe end Pietro vas jealous."

"I vas not!"

My heart leapt into my throat as I heard the other Sokovian behind me. I turned round on my seat to see the speedster leaning against the doorway with a pouty face.

Wanda laughed. "Pietro you used to try anyzhing to get my attention once Elora was born. You even hid her under zhe kitchen sink vhen she vas 7 months old."

Pietro's eyes widened. "You promised never to mention zhat!"

I burst out laughing at the thought of a young and jealous Pietro hiding a baby under a sink. "Why would you even do that in the first place?!"

Wanda chuckled and looked at her brother. "Vhy are you in here? I thought you went for a run with Steve."

Pietro shrugged. "I could smell mama's special stew from a mile avay."

I glanced at Wanda as she rolled her eyes. "Vell your here just in time. Grab me some bowls and I'll-"

Before she even finished her sentence Pietro had placed bowls in front of her and cutlery on the breakfast bar. He leaned against the counter with a cheeky grin. "Dish up?"

A loud laugh escaped my lips and not even 2 seconds after a clamped my hands over my mouth to try and calm my giggles. Shortly after Wanda to started to laugh.

"Okay okay. I vill dish up." She smiled as she began to spoon the delicious smelling stew into the bowls.

Pietro was in a seat next to me is seconds as she placed down the bowls in front of us.

Both me and Pietro grabbed a spoon and began to devour the delightful food.

"This tastes amazing. Your such a good cook Wanda." I grinned as Pietro very quickly finished his second bowl.

Wanda smiled warmly at me as she sat down beside me. "I'm glad you think so. Bhen you vere little you loved mama's stews and vell-- anything she cooked you loved."

I ate another spoonful, realising the flavour was strangely familiar. I frown. "How do we know?" I ask.

Wanda's smile fell and she looked over at Pietro, who was refilling his forth bowl of stew. "Know vhat?"

I place my spoon next to my bowl. "How do we know I'm really your sister? What if I'm not? I'm just named after your sister and she really did die? You never know what Hydra will think of and--"

"I know." Pietro butt in. Making me stare at him.

"Y-you do?"

He nodded. "Yes. I can feel it Elora. But if you need more proof zhen zhat, ve'll just ask Tony for a blood test."

I blink. "And if I'm not?"

Wanda placed a hand on my shoulder. "Let's not think about zhat. Come on. Eat up. Then ve'll talk to Tony."

A small smile forms on my lips as I continued to eat. But my mind still buzzed with horrid thoughts of what might happen if I wasn't their sister.


An hour or so later we all stood in front of Tony.

Pietro and I both having needles in our arms as a crimson red liquid spilled into the syringes.

I watched as Dr Cho pulled the needle from my arm and gave me a cotton ball to stop the bleeding. "Just hold that there for a minute or so." She smiled slightly as another nurse removed the one from Pietro's arm.

Tony took both viles of blood and headed to the door. "Give me a minute. I'll be back with the results." He grumbled before leaving.

It felt like hours till he finally returned. Holding a slip of paper in his hands.

I practically leapt off my seat, eager to know what the results were. And it was clear I wasn't the only one as Wanda and Pietro were both at my side in front of the billionaire.

Tony looked at all of us with a face of stone. No emotion visible as his eyes roamed over us all.

"So?" Wanda asked. Her voice quiet and small.

Tony sighed. "I'm sorry..."

I felt my heart fall to me feet.

"She's not your sister."

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