free threat

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Wanda P.O.V

Elora's sobs slowly but surely turned into soft snores. She was still curled up in my embrace when she slipped into sleep.

Pietro quietly entered the cell and sat next to me. He sighed as he looked at Elora's sleeping frame. "She didn't deserve zhis. If only i had protected her better."

She shook my head at my brother. "You can't blame yourself for zhis. Ve thought she was gone. She never knew about us. It's all so messed up."

"It still shouldn't have happened. She doesn't deserve zhis." He mumbled and slowly stroked the soft brown locks of our baby sister.

I look up at Steve who is keeping a weary eye on Elora. "I vant to take her out of zhe cell." I tell him.

He looks shocked and shakes his head. "No. That's crazy she's dangerous and she coul-"

"Did you not see vhat just happened?! Me and Pietro are taking her out wether ve have permission or not!" I whisper yell.

I nod at Pietro to pick Elora up and he does so with ease. He follows me out of the cell where Bucky and Steve stand not speaking a word. Only then did I realise that my powers were sill on show thanks to my anger.

Pietro followed me to my bedroom where we placed Elora in my bed. She was still snoring softly and she quite happily settled into my sheets.

I smiled up at my brother as a brightly coloured figured entered my room through the wall. Causing me to sigh in frustration. "Vision ve talked about zhis... you can't jus-"

"I know. But i wanted to make sure the prisoner was still contained." The android motioned to our sleeping sister.

Pietro growled, anger flashing in his eyes. "She is not a prisoner Vision! She is our sister!" His voice was loud but luckily not loud enough to alert the others or awaken Elora.

Vision seemed sightly taken aback by Pietro's outburst but nodded. "I am sorry for the misunderstanding. I did wonder why you would free such a threat around the tower."

I grown and glare at him. "Please just leave Vision. Our sister is our responsibility and if you have a problem please keep it far away so it won't effect her."

Without another word Vision politly bowed his head and left. Using the door this time. An agitated sigh came from Pietro as he pinched the bridge of his nose. "Zhis is all my fault."

I sigh and wrap my arms around him. "Stop it Pietro. None of zhis has us to blame for it. Ve never knew."

Pietro looked at Elora as she slept soundly. "I know. But I cant help but feel responsible for what she went through. I'm her big brother. It was my job to protect her from this. I failed."

Suddenly we could hear loud shouts from down stairs. It sounded like Tony and Steve. I glance at Pietro who sighs deeply. "I bet zheir fighting over Elora. Tony von't like her bring free."

I huff and shake my head. "I couldn't care less. Zhey have a problem with her we'll take her away." Before Pietro could speak another word I grabbed his arm and dragged him out of my room.


Elora P.O.V

A loud crash caused made me jolt up from my sleep. My heart was pounding in my ears and I looked at my surroundings. It definitely wasn't the cell I had been locked up in.

I looked down at the bed I was in as I heard muffled yells coming from bellow the room.

I pushed the covers off my legs and crawled off the bed. My clothes were crumpled from sleep. I stumbled toward the door and pulled it open.

The shouts were still muffled as I walked down the stairs towards a large living space. With a large tv and a number of seats.

The Avengers stood arguing. I didn't know what about until I heard my name.

"Elora is not a meant to be in that cell Tony. She's just a kid!" Steve kept his voice low but meaningful.

Tony had his hand on his forehead. "She's dangerous Steve! We've only seen some of the things she can do. What if she-"

Suddenly my foot slipped and I tumbled down the last few stairs with a small scream of shock. Grabbing the adults attention.

"Elora!" Wanda cried as she rushed to help me.

I groaned as I landed on my front. My head buzzed with pain and my arm was numb.

"Oh my God. Elora don't move your arm." Wanda told me as Pietro was behind her in seconds.

"Is she okay?" Steve asked as he ran over. Pain began to bloom in my left arm. "It hurts." I whimpered, trying to get up.

"Don't try to get up. You'll only make it worse." Steve warned.

"Then what do I do!?" I cried. Tears falling from my cheeks to the floor.

"Someone get Dr Cho!" Steve voice became an echo and I began to drift off into darkness....


"Elora? Vakey Vakey." Wanda's soft voice coaxed me back to consciousness. My eyelids fluttered as a large blurry blob turned into my 'sister'.

"She's okay." Wanda sighed in relief. An echo of sighs filled the room.

I looked around to see Steve, Bucky and Pietro also in the room with me. Tony leaned against the far wall. And my arm was once again numb. But this time heavily bandaged and across my chest.

I looked up at Wanda. "What happened? I remember falling down the stairs but i think i blacked out."

Wanda nodded. "You passed out due to pain. But Dr Cho helped your arm. It should be healed in a few weeks."

I frown. "Thanks? I guess your stuck with me for a while."

Tony scoffed. "Means you won't be able to scurry off back home with Hydra."

"Tony!" Wanda hissed. Glaring coldly at him.

I looked down. Focusing on my twiddling thumbs. "I don't wanna go home. I don't wanna go back. I thought I was doing good for mankind by getting rid of you."

Everyone was watching me as I looked up.

"I was wrong."

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