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have you ever seen the fault in our stars? gosh, okay, of course you have. i mean even if you didn't want to see it you seen it, and even if you didn't want to like it you kind of did. anyway, do you remember the part when augustus called hazel grace at like two in the morning because he was stuck at the gas station, and hazel grace said she'd get him help even though he told her not to? picture that minus the car, and input matty and morgan.

see, morgan had insomnia therefore leaving her place late at night and getting back to her place in time to see the sun come up was her natural routine. this night though, she had watched the sun come up with matty half drunk next to her humming some tune he'd started to say the name of until vomit came up and onto the ground a couple feet from where they currently were. 

it all started when she was walking down the semi empty streets with only a few stragglers in tow heading to the twenty four hour convenience store she always found herself at. picking up a flavored water, animal crackers, and mini reese's she paid and literally tripped over someone on her way out. in comes matty.

matty told morgan he wasn't aware on how he got to the store but he'd love if she'd stay. even though he was drunk morgan wanted to stay; she wanted to hear the attractive boys' drunken thoughts. so if sitting here with him would help, she made it up in her mind that she'd sit here for days.

"matty, you have a huge cut above your left eyebrow." 

he hummed, touching his fingers to the cut,  feeling the blood. "that's what that feeling was."

"be still while i fix it up." morgan announced dipping into her bag and pulling out a first aid kit

matty instantly doubled over in laughter, wiping actual tears away while morgan just stared.

"minnie, why the hell do you have a first aid kit in your bag?" 

"i get hurt a lot so i always keep one in here." she noted "but if you want blood to continue settling into your eyebrow and lashes i'll put it away." 

"no no no," he chuckled "help me out." 

so morgan went to work on the cut and they just sat in silence afterwards. well, until matty said something.

"what's the point of trying to please people when they're never satisfied morgan?"

her head turned to the one that was planted on her shoulder. she shrugged lightly before actually answering.

"i'm not very sure. it's like, you try your best and beat yourself up trying to be good for someone and it's like they totally disregard every effort you put in, and the things you changed. i feel like no one is ever truly satisfied even if they say they are because there's always something that you can change even if it's only a little."

"but," he sighed heavily sitting himself up, knees meeting his chest as his hands closed around them. "i just don't get it, i never did. you know my mom? of course you don't know her, anyway she has a tv show. it's splendid, or that's what the people who watch it say. anyhow, we have to morph ourselves into these people that were almost perfect in a way?"

"if we got in trouble, oh god, we'd never hear the end of that shit. she'd chastise us for hours on end, and well, i'm not that person. i don't like the feeling of being straightened out, i just want to do what i want when i please and she never got that. it was so much pressure stamped into our every move and at a point i changed. i changed for her." he paused laughing to himself

"she just wasn't pleased with it. i had that stupid ass swooped hair and everything." this time they both laughed "but she just wasn't satisfied so i moved. i moved because even when i became an image that i thought she'd like she still wasn't pleased so i gave it all up."

morgan nodded not very sure on if she should reply because i mean, what would she say? nothing. so that's what she said - nothing at all.

"your hair is green." he said pointing out the obvious. "did you do that for yourself, or for someone else?"

"someone else."

"were they satisfied?"

"well, she dyed her hair the color i told her to so i'm hoping she is."

his head tilted in a questionable manner until morgan spoke again

"my friend thought it'd look nice, and i thought red would look good on her so here i am."

he chuckled to himself "girls"


does this make sense?? probably not

i have the ends of my hair dyed so i threw this point in. 

is your hair dyed?? if not do you want it dyed, and what color?

don't forget to comment, and vote xx

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