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He chuckles ever so lightly and looks back to the front. He has his stone cold face on an continues to listen to the teacher.

He is so complicated.


The rest of class was spent of me listening to the teacher and oh TRYING NOT TO FREAK OUT!!!

I look up at the clock and see there is only a few more minutes until the bell rings and I can go home. I lean back in my seat and wait until the Dingy hands of the clock go to 3:00.

About a minute later the sweet sound of the bell ringing fills my ears. I shove my notebook in my backpack and race out of the small school. When I'm in the front of the school, I open my backpack and try to feel for my umbrella. When I couldn't find it, I start to panic, where could have I left it?

I soon gave up on trying to remember where I left it and face the fact that I am walking home- IN THE RAIN!!!

I stepped on the side walk and immediately I get soaked. Even though I looked like shit right now I still have to walk.

5 minutes into my walk I hear roaring of motorcycles pass by.

The Demons. There are 5 in total. I don't know there names, nobody knows there names. It's kinda creepy if you ask me.

I see 4 motorcycles pass me by and go down the street. I sigh and stay in my spot but something was not right, were's the 5th? I turn around and that would have to be the dumbest thing I ever done. There sitting on his motorcycle is the one and only, Devil.

I jumped and stepped back- almost falling on my ass. Why is he here?

"Get on" he said huskily. The rain has totally soaked his hair and I bet he has very damp clothes right now.

"What?" I asked confused, he couldn't be serious, he never talks to nobody except his crew. Even when girls or should I say promiscuous woman were throwing themselves at him, he just looked at them and walk away. So why of all people would he talk to me? Let alone ask me to get on his bike with him!

He groans and get's off his bike, leaving it parked beside the sidewalk. He walks over to me and softly grabs my shoulder.

He looks at me in the eyes and I all I see is deep blue orbs. He studies my features for a couple of moments and suddenly I get self-conscious, I don't have the prettiest face out there, long hair, or unique eyes.

I just have plain blonde hair and hazel eyes. I look down and suddenly find an interest in my soaked shoes.

I feel a softly rough hand go under my chin and being lifted.

"Can you get on, you're going to get sick" he says ever so softly. His features soften but only a tiny bit.

I smile as I remember saying that to him. Then reality came crashing down. He is Devil: Dangerous, Attractive, Sexy, you get it. My features fall slightly and I take a step backwards, away from his warm embrace.

"That's a good idea, the rain will only get heavier" I said, I wrap myself with my arms to try to keep warm.

His arms fall by his sides and I see his hands fall into fists.

He gives me a tight 'ok' and he leads me to his bike and he get's on. I hesitantly get behind him and wrap my short arms around his waste.

I feel him tense and automatically I retract my arms back. Did I hurt him? Did I do something wrong?

Suddenly I feel his hands reaching for mines and putting them securely around his waste. I blush as I feel his abs under his we shirt.

Good thing he couldn't see me.

I lay my head on his back as he starts the bike again.

Soon we're zooming down the wet streets. I bury my face in his back in hopes of not flying off.

I'm never been on a motorcycle before.

Suddenly we stopped, I un-bury my face and look to up see my house.

My house? How did he know where my house was?

I look at him and see him waiting for me to get off. I scramble of the bike and almost fall on my face. I catch myself before I make a fool out of myself.

I turn around and face him.

"T-thank You, D-devil" I stuttered.

I turn around and quickly make my way to my door. My hand barely touched the door nob when I hear my name being called.

"Y-yes" I reply nervously. My hands try to keep me warm but weirdly I'm not totally warm like I was with Devil- weird.

"It's Romen" he said with a smirk and he zoomed off to who know where.



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