17| Demons

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| 17 |


I look back at him and nod, I peer over to Rosie to see her playing with my fingers. Her dainty ones gently go over mine and a shiver travels down my spine.

This girl....

I nod and a look back at Rosie.

"I need to take off soon so..." she says while looking down.

I intertwine our fingers together and bring them to my lips. I gently kiss her knuckles and a small smile travels on to my face. Even though I don't want to leave her, I have to so I let her leave.

*cough* "whipped" *cough*

"Oi fuck off!"


I walk away from the Roman and the Demons but before I could get far enough away from them I heard someone mutter 'whipped' under there breath.

I blush at the idea of Roman to be somewhat remotely attracted to me. There is literally nothing out of the ordinary about me that could possibly reel him in.

I'm just plain old Rosie.

I walk further but I stop in my tracks when I see a familiar black Range Rover parked beside the school. I scrunch up my face in confusion on why is he here at my school.

I walk to the sleek, polished car, knowing that he loves that car more than anything and anyone he knows.

I stand next to the window of the passenger side to see him texting on his phone. His black RayBands fall perfectly on his nose making it focus on his features more.

I knock on the window and like a cat touching water he jumps up and hits his head on the roof of the car. I giggle and he whips his head towards my direction. I smile and he eventually does to, he gets out of the car and gives me a hug.

I wrap my arms around his waist and his arms around my shoulders.

I detach from him and look up at him.

He's wearing a black shirt with some plain kaki pants, complimenting the outfit with some white shoes and to top it off he wrapped a red flannel around his waist.

He's wearing a black shirt with some plain kaki pants, complimenting the outfit with some white shoes and to top it off he wrapped a red flannel around his waist

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He looked fine...

I shake my head and ask the question that's been in my head since I saw his car.

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