5| Demons

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"Your burning up Rosie, let's get you these medication and then you go to bed ok" he said with worry laced in his voice.

I nod meekly at him before him guiding me to my room.

I really hate being sick.

Let's hope tomorrow will go well.


Let's just say when I returned back at school the next day, everything was hectic. As soon as I saw my friends in the morning, before class started they practically sprinted to me and almost trampled me in the process. Telling me they thought I was dead or I was abducted by aliens. I got some weird friends.

Right now I'm getting squeezed to death by Nikki and trust me, she is a strong hugger.

"Ok Nikki can you let go of me before I faint" I say with short breathes. She immediately releases me and smiles sheepishly.

"Ok now can anyone explain to me what happened yesterday that got everyone so shook!" I practically yell because of everyone talking at the same time and causing a small headache to form on my temple.

They immediately stop their bickering and turn to look at me to see me rubbing my forehead. Their eyes soften in guilt cause they knew I had close to a migraine yesterday.

"Sorry" they say in unison. I just nod in understanding.

"Ok so what happened yesterday, it started in morning like usual it began to pore buckets outside, so now it was around the time 'The Demons' came, they parked their bikes and started to walk to the front of the school looking like fucking gods by doing it by the way. Ok so this is were it kinda got weird, the leader, Devil was going up the stairs and just stopped. He just stood their and looked at the doors."

My heart started pounding when she said this. That's where we met..
But it could just be a coincidence, right?

"And then he pulled on his hoodie which I didn't know he had cause a few days ago when it was raining he didn't put it up, weird."

That's because I told him he would get sick if he doesn't....

Ok so at this point in the story I'm the Mr.Krabs meme by the way.

"Ok so this were things got really freaky, Devil went around school looking like a maniac by the way, searching for someone and guess who it was..." Amy said as everyone turned and looked at me.

I was very curious on who he was looking for.. could it be a girl he likes? Or his girlfriend?? I don't know why but my mood went extremely down.

"Who was he looking for?" I said just barely louder than a whisper.

"YOU!!" Everyone practically screamed at me. My eyes are basically planets at this point and my heart became a fast beating drum.

"W-What" I said in disbelief. Why in the world would he want to see me.
ME!!!! of all people!!!!!

And before they can explain any further the bell rang. I say goodbye to my friends before going to class. Well, what a way to start of my morning.

Throughout the day I was freaking out because I had him in my last class. What would he do when he saw me. I'm not going to admit this but I'm actually exited to see him again. Don't know why but I am.

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