9| Demons

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I turn around to be faced with a goofy smiley Roman. I sighed in awe, I could never get tired of that smile. I grinned back and him and his smile grew. He walks  up to us and and went by the lady. He wraps his arms around her shoulders and looks at me with determination.

"Flower I would like you to meet my Aunty Cheryl" he puts on his goofy smile that I'm starting to fall in love with.

My eyes turn big like saucers and I stare and both of them with a open mouth. Shock clearly be seen on my face.



"Yes, Aunt" he replied with a smirk plastered on his face with amusement swirling in his eyes.

"Um, H-Hi my name is Rosie" I said still shocked with the information I was given. I stretch out my hand as I quickly scan over her features.

She has black thick hair that is tied in a bun in top of her head, a black shirt with the restaurant's name and logo plastered on the front, she has some matching colored pants on too. An apron hangs loosely around her neck with a booklet and pen in the front pockets, finally to complete her look she has a red flannel covering her arms. Overall she was a beautiful woman.

She grasps my hand and gives a firm shake. Oh god I'm even intimidated by her handshake.

"Hello Rosie my name is Cheryl Winston but just call me Cheryl" she said as she releases her hand from mine.

I could feel sweat forming under my armpits and forehead. Meeting the most feared badboy's Aunt, that he clearly loves is nerve racking.

I give her a timid smile as I rub my hands together to create some kind of warmth for my frozen hands.

Her eyes travel down my hands and she gasps in realization.

"Oh you poor thing! You must be freezing in that thin sweater, come let's get you some of my famous hot cocoa" she demands as she grabs my arm and drags me to the counter.

I look back at Roman to see his eyebrows furrow in worry. I smile at him and I wonder, Is this the real Roman Winston. The goofy, funny, nice, kind , humble, and worry-fit one or  the cold, lonely, quiet, and scary one.

She drags me by my wrists and plants me on the red old leather seats. I sit stiff, not sure what to do or how to act. I hear the squeak of the seats and I look over to my right to see Roman leaning on his hand as he peers over to me. His hair falls over his eyes, making him look even more mysterious and attractive. I blush and look down at my hands that are lying on my lap. I rub them in a quick motion as I wait for Cheryl to bring the 'famous hot coco'.

I look around the quiet restaurant of "Gary's Diner". There is a trio of some men in motorcycle gear near the door drinking some coffee, two elderly men are playing a game of chess by the jukebox and by the look on their faces, I can guess it's a tough game. A woman with short blonde hair is feeding her child on the high seat next to her. Oh! what a cute bab-

I couldn't finish my observation because of someone slamming down something in front of me. I whip my head around to see Cheryl putting down a cup of some brown liquid.

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