12| Demons

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All of a sudden I feel something press against my cheek. I turn around to Rosie in surprise.

Did she just-

"Thank you Roman" She says as she looks down, her hair falling like curtains to hide her cheeks. But I already saw the redness starting to spread down to her neck.

I give her a small smile as I press her against me more.

"You're Welcome"


Oh my gosh!! Did I really just kiss Roman on the cheek! I really don't know where that confidence came from.

The little fawn kept snuggling into my palm and it started to tickle, making me giggle.

Roman's grip on my side started to tighten in a possessive way but not too tight.

My blush returned and a small smile started to form on my lips.

I didn't even the notice the sun started to set until the little fawn jetted out of my hand and to it's mama. I look behind me and true to its word the sun is setting.

I get up and looked at Roman, he was looking at me in a way that made my heart melt.

"I guess it's time to go" I say and try not to sound disappointed but obviously Roman picked it up when I saw his eyes soften a bit. He gently placed his rough, calloused hands on my cheek and I lean more into it. I close my eyes in content. I never had this much fun since my mom passed away to be completely honest.

"I know" he says in husky voice as he leans more into my face. My eyes widen in realization of what's going to happen but suddenly a feeling in my nose started to form.

Oh no

Just a little closer...

We are only a few centimeters when I couldn't take it anymore and the feeling has taken over.

I sneezed.

We both freeze and I screw my eyes shut. I can't believe I just did that!!!

All of a sudden I hear laughter, I open one eye to see Roman laughing his butt off. Seeing him laugh brings a smile onto my face. His laugh is so rich and dark it gets me laughing with him.

I feel buzzing in back pocket and I try to sober up but a smile is still prominent on my face.

I take out my phone and the caller ID shows that it's my dad.

I tap the answer button and slide it onto my ear.


"Hey pumpkin are you home?" He said as I hear shuffling in the back. What in the world is he doing?

"No why, are you home?" I ask, I feel excitement bubble up inside of me. It's been a long time since he came early from work.

"Well I'm going to be home now, the chief let me off early cause on the late nights I've been doing" he said tiredly but I could tell he was happy too.

My face stretches into a smile as I hear this news. I seem to smile a lot today, most of it due to Roman. I honestly don't know why everyone is so frightened by him. He so goofy and sweet, he's the perfect boyfriend but at school he so closed off and barely talks to anyone except his friends. Why is he so different when he's around me.

The first thing that people see is his very prominent tattoos but honestly they're pretty hot.

I blush when I see him looking at me with adoration. What is he doing to me?!

I get up from the ground and turn to Roman.

"Roman this has been a great day, thank you" With the little courage I have I go in to embrace him. He stiffens immediately and I pull back in fear of going to far but before I could do that he grabs my waist and brings me closer to him. I blush as I feel his abs through his thin  shirt.

Damn boi

He nuzzles himself into my neck making me giggle, with hearing it I can feel him smile against the crook of my neck.

We detach and I look into his eyes, the amount of emotion swirling through it is unbelievable.

It's hard to believe that this is the cold, ruthless Leader of the Demons.


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