18| Demons

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| 18 |


Suddenly I hear a bang and pain sprouts up in my leg. I scream and I fall to the floor eminently. I hear footsteps come from behind me and I try to crawl away from the noise But it's no use since I see combat boots coming towards me.

My eyelids start to feel heavier every passing second. I try to fight but I soon lose the battle when my body went limp.

"Chef wird dich lieben"
(boss is going to love you)

That's the last thing I hear before I black out.


I wake up to the feel chains being put on my writs and my ankles. They tighten the iron chains and I cry out in pain.

"Looks like Sleeping Beauty has awoken" the mystery stranger says, you could hear the distinct German accent in his voice.

He tightens the chains on my legs and I scream in pain.

"Oh how I love your scream" he says as he gets closer to me.

I try to press myself more into the cement wall but I couldn't get away from the hand that rested on my cheek.

In just a flash he raises it and strikes me across the face. My head snaps to the left and he kicks me in the stomach. I feel liquid trickle down my face and I knew it was blood.

He laughs at my pain and leaves the little room that I am in. Once he slams the door, the tears come in like a waterfall and a sob releases from my throat.

Why am I here

For what seems like hours I stay on the floor alone, cold, and hungry. I snap my head up when I hear the door open. A man enters and I quickly scan over his face, he has short blonde hair with a scar going over his eyebrow. He his very built and can look like he can kill someone just by looking at them.

Probably can

He pulls up a chair from the corner that I didn't even notice was there and placed it right in front of me. I gulp and look at him in fear. He flashes me a wicked, sinful smile and I knew something bad was going to happen.

"Weißt du, warum du hier bist?"
(Do you know why you're here?)

He looks at me expectingly but soon gives up and opens his mouth but right before he did I choked up reply.

"Nein" (No)

He looks surprised for a second before his cold demeanor took over.

"Ah so you speak our language?" He said as he leaned back into his chair.

I hope you fall over

I don't answer him and keep quiet, I struggle against the chains more but I soon give up.

God why am I so weak.

His eyes blaze in anger for not answering him and slaps me across the face. Suddenly a spark flashed in his eyes and he smiles at me dangerously.

He crouches near my leg and my eyes widen in realization of what he's about to do, I try to scream at him to stop but was cut off when He puts his finger in the bullet hole that was on my leg, making it spill out blood more.

I scream loudly and tears fall down my cheeks.

"Now answer me when I ask you a question bitch!!" He yells at me.

Ok dude say it don't spray it

I nod quickly as I see him get up from his crouched position and sit on the chair he was previously on.

"Roman is one lucky bastard" he says as he looks over my body. I'm still in what I presume yesterday's clothes and they are completely ruined.

The sound of his name brings my heart racing. What could Roman possibly be somewhat related to him?

I clench my fists and scream at him.

"Roman has nothing to do with this!!!" I yell at him, I try to lung at the stranger but I knew the chains were going to keep me from doing precisely that.

He quickly comes to me and grabs my neck with his bare hands. He trails his nose up my face and I try not to gag. He reaches my ear and quietly whispers in it.

"Oh but sweetheart, he has everything to do with this" he hisses right before smashing my head into the wall behind me, making me black out for the second time today.

Roman what have you gotten me into?



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