14| Demons

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Something flashes through his eyes before turning away while telling me to be more carful and sorry. His smooth voice was so quiet, that I almost didn't catch it.

He kept walking until I couldn't see him in my line of vision. Something told me he was dangerous but I couldn't just judge on his looks.

But the way he acted and dressed has got me thinking....

Did I just meet a member of the Demons?


I stay in my spot on the hard concrete, shocked at the realization.

I got up embarrassed of how long I've been on the ground. I gently brushed my behind, making sure dirt is not seen as I grab my purse which resides a couple feet away from me.

I turn around and continue on my walk back to my house. I continue unwrapping my earphones but I couldn't help but think about the strange boy I encountered.

There was no doubt that he wasn't gorgeous but besides that he gave off that dangerous vibe like the rest of the Demons-well except Roman.

The thought of him got me blushing.

When I finally untangled my earphones I was already home. I huffed and quickly unlocked my door, you could say I'm a little paranoid.

I closed the door and made my way to the kitchen. I set down my purse on the island while I raid my fridge. I grab some left over pizza from last night and put it in the microwave. In the meantime I ran upstairs to change out of my clothes. When I descended from the stairs the microwave beeped, signaling that my pizza was done.

I grab my hot pizza and make my way to the couch. I grab the remote and turn on the tv, SpongeBob was showing so I just let it play.

Let my lazy Sunday commence.

next day

When I woke up today to get ready for school, nervousness set in my stomach.

Would Roman pretend to not know me and move on?

Thoughts run through my head as I get ready for another day of torture-I mean school.

Like every day in Oregon it's flipping cold but today Mother Nature decided 'why not let these people suffer?' So she put in a cold breeze too.

With that in mind I decided to put on some grey sweats, a loose white shirt with a maroon cardigan and who can forget some Uggs. I ain't trying to look cute when it's below 60 outside. I don't know why some girls wear dresses that can show their underwear when it's this kind of weather.

I'm too lazy to put my contacts in so I just grab my glasses and quickly run to the door

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I'm too lazy to put my contacts in so I just grab my glasses and quickly run to the door. I grab my backpack and phone on the way, while stopping by the kitchen to get a bagel. I put it in the toaster and it soon came out crisped to perfection.

I grab it with my hands....bad idea.

Mother of pearls that's hot!!!!

While juggling it my hands I somehow manage to grab everything I need and make my way out the door.

What I saw in my driveway made my precious bagel slip from my hands. Shock plastered on my face as my mouth makes a 'o' shape.

Can someone please tell why flipping Roman is in my driveway??!??

"Uh-Uuuuh" No words could form as I look at Roman leaning against his all too familiar motorcycle-not to mention looking hot doing it.

His arms are tightly crossed against his broad chest, the leather he's wearing constricts at the sharp movements.

"Hey Rosie, when you're done checking me out could you please get on before I freeze to death" he says huskily with clenched teeth, I didn't even notice him shivering.

I gasp and quickly run to him, his face buried under his jacket.

I put my cold hand on his cheek, he looks up and gazes into my eyes. I quickly scan over his features too see his nose is deep shade of red.

Ironic isn't it

"Come on Roman lets get to school" I say as I touch his shoulder gently.

He climbs on his motorcycle and waits for me to get on. I hesitantly get on and immediately I wrap my hands around leather covered waist.

We get on the road and we make our way to school.

When we arrived the look on everyone's faces were a range of different emotions.

Anger, shock, jealousy, etc.

He gets off the bike first while he waits for me to do the same. I get off carefully and soon enough I'm standing besides Roman.

All eyes are looking at us and I feel my self getting nervous of all the stares. I'm not a fan public attention.

Roman sees me getting nervous and he quickly faces the sea of stares and I guess gave them a look cause as soon as he faces them, they instantly go back what were they doing.

He leans towards my ear and I can feel his breath fan against my neck.

"Are you Ok?" He says gently like he's talking to a fawn.

Ya why wouldn't I be fine when the most dangerous and hottest guy is whispering in my ear which causes a spread of redness to come across of my cheeks.

Does he not know what he is doing to me?!!


Question of the Day:

What is your Zodiac Sign?



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