13| Demons

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He nuzzles himself into my neck making me giggle, with hearing it I can feel him smile against the crook of my neck.

We detach and I look into his eyes, the amount of emotion swirling through it is unbelievable.

It's hard to believe that this is the cold, ruthless Leader of the Demons


After our departure, I started walking home. Every step I took away from Roman was a punch to my heart. No boy ever showed me the compassion that he did, no boy ever opened so much to me in so little time.

Boys that I meet want to steal my virginity but I'm looking for a boy to steal my heart.

Soon enough I'm walking up the driveway to my house. I peer over my shoulder to see the driveway still empty.

He might still be in traffic

An idea pops in my head and I quickly make it to the door. I unlock it and quickly race to the kitchen.

A smile stretched onto my face as I prepare Dad's favorite food.

Homemade Pineapple Pizza

I drop my bag on the counter and started taking out the ingredients but before that I grabbed my pastel pink apron that has little flowers on it.

15 minutes later.....

I take out the large pizza from the oven and place it carefully on the cooler rack. Right when I did I hear the door being unlocked. I turn my head and see my dad mid-step in the middle of the hall, his eyes transfixed on the pizza behind me.

"Surprise" I yell as I put my hands up in the air.

He looks at me and runs up to me, lifting me in the air. I giggle as his hands dig into my sides.

He puts me down and kisses me on the forehead.

"Thank you so much pumpkin, I really needed this" he says while reaching for a piece.

A soon as he bit into it he groaned in delight. He puts down the half-eaten pizza back on the cooler rack and quickly runs up the stairs, saying that he's going to change.

I grab plates and napkins and gently put it on the coffee table.

This is going to be a good nighT

next day

I wake up to a sharp noise that is awfully loud.

I open my eyes and look around me to see my phone is the source of the noise.

I grab it and quickly lower the brightness down, I look at my notifications to see my alarm set to 6:30.

I rack my brain for an explication but It suddenly comes to me.

My eyes widen in realization

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