8| Demons

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I scoot away from his hand and wrap my hands around myself. What was I even doing?!! He could snap my neck if he wanted to!!

He dropped his hands by his sides and I could see fists forming.

He roughly dropped beside me on the metal bench and crossed his arms.

A few silent moments passed but suddenly was broken by his deep husky voice.

"So you can sing eh?"


I freeze at the question instantly, oh my god he heard me!?!! I probably sounded bad!! I blush and look down.

"Y-Yeah but I sound bad" I said nervously. You would too if a man like the one sitting next to me is starring at you like he's trying to find your soul through your eyes.

"No you don't, you sound lovely" he said expectantly. My head shot up in shock. Did he just compliment on my voice. I blush even harder. I put my cold hands on my cheeks in embarrassment.

"Stop you're just saying that" I said shyly. Being complimented by him makes me feel warmer than a random person complimenting me.

Suddenly I feel heat on me cheek. I look to my right and see him so close to my face that our noses are touching.

"Rosie your voice is very beautiful, don't doubt that ok?" He said quietly in my ear. A shiver goes down my spine because of the near closeness but I think he mistook it for coldness.

He gets up and pulls me with him by the hand. He suddenly embraces me and wraps his long muscular arms around my petite stature.

"U-Um what are y-you doing?" I ask is confusion. Holy macaroni he is so warm!

"What do you think I'm doing? I'm warming you up" he said in duh tone. He tightens his arms and another wave of warmth passes over me.


We turn silent like we want to just enjoy the moment cause I am certainly trying to. My arms are still on my sides but a wave of bravery passes me. I hesitantly wrap my arms around his slender waist.

He tenses and I immediately start to pull away but not even a second passes when he grabs my hands and secures them around his waist. I blush and bury my head in his jacket.

Someone say Deja Vu

A strong breeze passes us and we both shiver. My hands feel numb because of the lack of mittens and I scold myself for forgetting to bring them.

It is almost Christmas after all

"We should go, the weather is only going to get worse" he said as he nuzzles his nose into my neck. Giggles come out of my mouth from the contact. He should know that I'm very ticklish.

Even though I only met him a couple times, being with him feels so...


I nodded my head and reluctantly moved my away from him. He pulls a small smile and started walking in a different direction. Is he leaving me here?

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