Chapter Nine

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Chapter Nine

"He's so hot!" Savannah squealed in my ear as I opened my locker.  Of course, she was talking about another guy she hooked up with last night. God, she could be so loose at times, it bugged me. Why couldn't I be able to get all those guys? I only had two boyfriends in all my years of high school. Mean while, Savannah had eight and Claire had six. Was I really that ugly.

Out of the blue, my phone started buzzing in my jeans pocket. I looked at the screen to see it was a text message from Michael.

Hey beautiful. I need to know your favorite candy, stat.

I smiled to myself, loving how he didn't use abbreviations for everything like I did. I quickly responded, thumbs flying.

Reeses, y? Planning on buying thm any time soon?

Ten seconds later, my phone buzzed again with a reply.

...Maybe :P

I laughed a little to myself. 

Kk. U better give me some.

Again, his reply was quick, and I realized Savannah had stopped talking and was now staring at me in wonder.

Never! Mwa hahaha!!

I giggled.


I waited for a little bit....ten second passed, then thirty, then a minute, then two. He wasn't going to text me back. He would have by now.

"What was that all about?" Savannah asked.

"Oh, nothing..." I replied, biting on my lip to hold in a smile. She glared at me deviously, then snatched my phone out of my hands.

"hey!" I yelled as she skimmed through the conversation I just had with Michael. I grab back my phone, but she just kept on moving it away from me. I could tell she was done reading it when she lowered the phone and looked at me, mouth wide open. I quickly took my phone out of her hands, watching her carefully.

"Oh my god Em, HE LIKES YOU!" She jumped up and down, grabbing my hands as she did so.

"No duh," I replied, going into my locker and grabbing my books, "That's why he kissed me last night."

Oh crap. Did I just say that out loud?

"What?!" She shrieked so loud that the hallway grew quiet for a second. "Sorry," She said to everyone as they went back into their conversations.

"Yes," I sighed, smiling to myself as I thought about out kiss. There was only one way to describe it.

"It was...amazing."

"OH MY GOD!!" She was super excited.

"What's going on over here without me?" Claire asked smiling, strutting over in her high heels, skinny jeans, and tight top showing way too much cleavage. She was stunning, even I could say that.

"Michael and Emme kissed!" Savannah squealed with delight, turning towards Claire,

"What?! Finally?!" Claire squealed, clapping her hands together.

"What do you mean 'finally'?" I asked, raising and eyebrow.

"Well, duh. This whole summer whenever we mentioned your name, he would go off into this little daze thing," Claire said.

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