Chapter Twenty-Nine

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My favorite song over there :) ------------------------------------>


"So if X is 72, then N is...?"

"49?" Emme answered, hesitating.

"Yup," I replied smiling in her direction.

Slowly, she closed her text book, resting it gently on her nightstand. All her other binder sat there, along with a picture of me and her. It was taken at one of my basketball games. I was giving her a piggy back ride around the court, still wearing my uniform. She was wearing my jacket, which was too big on her and covering her hands. She was holding onto me tight, smiling.

I reached for it, holding it in my hands. Tracing the frame with my fingers, I was remembering all the sweet memories we had shared. 

She rested her head on top of my shoulder, gazing down at the picture with me. I heard her sigh a little to myself, and she started to play with my hair. She twirled it around as much as she could with her fingers, which was very little. It pained my head, but I didn't say anything.

I gradually put the frame back on the desk, grabbing Emme's hand and pulling her forwards. She crawled into my lap, leaning up against my chest. Her hair smelt like coconut as she leaned her face against my own, her eyelashes tickling my cheek.

I rocked her back and forth, holding her tight in my arms. She stayed put, not making a single sound. Her big emerald green eyes were open, staring up at me. I looked down at her, humming "Fix You," by Coldplay.

When I got to the chorus, I started to quietly sing the verse.

"Lights will guide you home,

and ignite your bones,

and I will try,

to fix you."

"That's our song," Emme whispered, looking up at me still.

I smiled, "Why?"

"Because of the lyrics. 'Lights will guide you home,'. It's like you moving and they're saying that one day, you'll come back...that you wont leave me forever." her voice grew quiet at the end and she dazed off, looking at the wall.

"Emme," I leaned down, brining my lips to her ears. She looked back up at me now, s few tears trying to escape from her eyes. "I promise I'll come back. I'll always visit and call."

"Really?" She asked, a tear managing to quiver out of her eye and onto her cheek.

"Yes," I said softly, wiping the tear away with my finger. She weakly smiled, pressing her lips against my own.

I kissed back, harder and harder. She grabbed onto me hair, opening her mouth to let me in. I turned her around so she was on the bed, myself on top of her. Our lips moved with precision, following the others movements. I pressed my hands on her hips, wanting more and more of her.

God damnit, this girl was toxic.

She was like an addictive substance, something that I wanted more and more of.

Suddenly, she attempted to take my shirt off, parting our kiss for a second and then throwing it on the floor.


"Emme, Are you sure you want to do this," Michael said in between kissed breathlessly. He had now taken off my shirt, working on my jeans.

"Yes," I nodded, fumbling with his zipper. "I'm really ready."

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