Chapter Eleven

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Chapter Eleven


Sam, Emme, and I sat on my big brown couch in my basement, finishing up the slices of delicious pizza we had just ordered in. Emme sat with her legs underneath her, burying her face in my shoulder and slowly looking at the television screen with one eye peeking out. Sam had decided he wanted to watch "Demon", one of the newest horror movies that just came out on DVD. Emme had said to us that she didn't get scared my scary movies, but right now, she was hiding her face from the screen.

I leaned over and kissed her gently on top of the head.

"Do you want me to turn it off?" I whispered softly in her ear as Sam's eyes were glued on the screen. She shook her head no. I knew she thought that if she did, she'd be ruining mine and Sam's night, but that wasn't the case. Well, at least for me. 

"How are you not freaked out?" she asked, looking up at the screen for just a quick second as the demons disfigured face popped out. She jumped, holding onto my arm tightly. I chuckled to myself, stroking her hair gently.

"It's all fake, love." I replied, smiling and her. She just stared at me, fear still in her eyes. I put my arm around her a pulled her into my chest.

"i promise to protect you from every monster in the whole world." I said, kissing her neck softly. 

"Stop," She giggled, trying to push my head away from her. I only smiled to myself, moving my lips up her neck, and onto her jaw. She groaned a little to herself, then as I lifted my head up from her and leaned in to kiss her lips with my own, she extended her arm onto my forehead and held me back.

"Not in front of Sam," She whispered, smiling, "I don't want to ruin his night."

"But you'll be ruining my night," I said sticking out my bottom lip. She laughed, leaning in and giving me a quick kiss on the lips.

"Happy now?" She asked, her green eyes dancing.

"Yes..." I smiled, leaning in to kiss her passionately. This time she didn't stop me, but kissed me back. I traced the back of her teeth with my tongue, and pulled her closer.

"Ew." I heard Sam say with disgust in his voice. Emme and I quickly stopped, turning around to see Sam sitting on the floor in front of us, his face looking grossed out.

"Get a room." He said, looking back towards the movie. 

"Your just jealous," I chuckled, ruffing up his hair.

"Stop it." He said, crossing his arms and standing up to face me. "I'm not, I'm just wondering how you two are treating a horror movie like it's a chick flick."

I glanced over towards Emme, who's eyes were glue to the screen. Sam and I grew quiet then, and he sat back down, both of us now watching the movie.

It was the end, and there was only one person left alive other then the demon. She was running around in a pitch black house, ducking into doorways and down narrow hallways. Then, she stopped, listening as the silence in the house grew eerier. Holding her breath, she stood perfectly still. The camera moved slowly around her, just so you could see the Demon standing behind her. It made a loud, devil cry, and one of the most terrifying faces I had ever seen.

Of course, Sam and I didn't scream, or flinch, or do anything, but Emme...she did a little scream and buried her face in my chest, holding onto me tightly.

I laughed, putting an arm around her.

"It's okay," I said as the screen went black and the credits rolled in. "It's over."

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