Chapter Thirty

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I looked myself over in my full length mirror, placing my hands on my hips and turning to the side. I had put my hair in loose girls, reaching towards the middle of my stomach. My long bangs were clipped together in the back, tucked behind my ears. My "Yogurt" pink eye shadow made my brilliant green eyes pop, especially with my black eye liner and mascara. My cheeks had the slightest bit of coral blush on, and to top it off, I had on tinted lipgloss.

My white lace top was tight at the top, but flowed out at the bottom. I wore grey-blue skinny jeans, and red high heels. I wore white and gold earrings and a gold ring with a rose, a ruby, and a pearl. 

I just wanted to look my best today for Michael. Tomorrow, he would be leaving for the airport with his brother and dad, boarding the plane, and leaving me. I wanted to make our last moment special.

Sighing, I dangled my arms and stared at myself. I looked great, but felt terrible. I was bone tired, I found it impossible to sleep last night. My heart was aching and my stomach was tied up in a huge not. I felt cold, then hot, the cold again. My body was shaking underneath me, feeling as if I was going to give out.

I took in a few deep breaths, managing to walk out of my room and down the stairs. In the kitchen, my dad sat at the table with my mom, reading a newspaper. 

"Sweety," My mom exclaimed, standing up and rushing over towards me. "You look gorgeous!" 

I stood in place awkwardly as she gave me a big hug, pulling me arms length away so she could look straight in my eyes.

"How are you feeling?" My dad asked from the table, still reading his newspaper. 

"Okay," I sighed, walking towards the fridge and looking inside. I wasn't hungry, and nothing called to me to be eaten, so I just closed it and walked towards the table, sitting down.

My mom immediately took the seat next to me, holding onto my hand and giving it a tight squeeze. I smiled, looking back down at the table and playing with a napkin. They both knew how I felt right now with Michael leaving, but they didn't say a word about it. It was best that way, It saved me a few tears.

Only god knows how much I'll be crying tonight and tomorrow.

Mr. and Mrs. Staton had agreed after much pleading on Michael's part to let me stay over at there house tonight, and be driven with them to the airport. We wanted to spend as much time together as we possibly could, and that meant staying with him until be boarded the plane. Mrs. Staton would drive me home after he left, because she would have no one either.

The doorbell rang, and I slowly lifted myself up out of the seat, dropping mom's hand. I scuffled over, slowly opening it to see Michael standing in the doorway, leaning against the brick wall of the house.

His brown hair was messed up to perfection, a little longer then the first day I had met him. It was parted slightly to the side, flipping up at the ends.  His blue grey eyes were filled with tiredness, along with the bags under his eyes, as if he did not sleep well at all like me. He wore a red Abercrombie and Fitch shirt, that slightly clung to his body, and dark navy blue jeans. In his hand he held a box of chocolates shaped as a heart, and a teddy bear holding a rose.

"Oh," I managed to let out with a squeal. He smiled, showing his perfect teeth.

"Happy Valentine's day," He cooed, stepping inside. He gave me a quick kiss on the lips, and handed me the gifts.

"You're to sweet!" I cooed, giving him a big hug. "Wait here, I need to get your present."

With that I ran up the stairs, throwing open my bedroom door and pulling out my dresser drawer. I quickly picked out the jersey I had bought him, brining it downstairs. It was customized, a plan me and all the other girls dating guys on the basketball team had. Instead of the Blue, white, and yellow jersey's they were now pink, white, and red for valentines day. On the front it said "West Minister Wolves" and on the back, it read "Staton 13". 

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