Chapter Seventeen

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"Hello gorgeous," purred into my ear, making my legs feel like spaghetti underneath me. I giggled, and he leaned in to give me a savory kiss on the lips.

"I love you," he whispered right as he backed his lips away from mine, smiling.

"I love you too," I replied, giving him a big hug. I quickly let go, turning around to see Bethany standing alone in the corner. All the guys were staring at her, but she refused to flirt with them

"I better go," I said, smiling at Michael and then starting to walk away.

"I want at least one dance with you tonight though, okay?"

"Of course!" I smiled, skipping away towards Bethany. She just smiled at me, noticing what I great mood I was in.

"God, you two are so cute! He must treat you like a princess!"

"He does," I laughed, watching her play with her fingers uneasily.

"I wish there was a guy here like that," she mumbled, looking at the ground.

"Well...there is one guy, and I know he likes you..." I started.

"Really?!" She cute me off, lifting up her head, big grey eyes shining, "Who?"

"Sam Derby."

"He's so cute! Oh my god, you aren't joking right?" She squealed.

"Of course not! He wanted me to set you up with him tonight. He keeps on staring at you."

She turned around to gaze at Sam, who was indeed staring at her. His face turned bright red when she noticed, and he quickly brought his gaze over towards the group of guys he was with. I heard her giggle to herself, and she turned back around to face me.

"PLEASE us up," she begged.

"How about now?" I asked. She squealed, and I took her hand and guided her over towards Sam. 

He was in a group of guys, consisting of Michael, Brenan, Jack, Timmy, Alex, and himself. They were all just talking, a few holding cups of beers in their hands.

"Hey guys," I smiled looking at them, "This is Bethany. She's new."

They all turned around and gawked at her, everyone except Michael. He was too focused on checking me out. When I noticed, he winked at me.

Sam got all nervous, fiddling with his fingers when she locked onto his gaze. Aw, I'd never seen this side of Sam before. It was too cute!

"Uhm, hi. I-I'm Sam." He stumbled, 

"I'm Bethany," She replie, noticing how awkward he felt.

"Don't be shy," she gigged, "You're pretty cute by the way."

His jaw dropped and he gawked at he. She giggled again, grabbing onto his arm.

"Let's go do something," She said flirtily, pulling him over to where everyone was dancing. He turned his had as he was being dragged, looking at all the guys. They gave him a thumbs up and started to laugh.

Michael slowly walked over and wrapped an arm around me. I smiled, looking up at him.

"Would you care to dance?" He said in a proper british accent. I laughed, grabbing his hand and walking towards everyone else dancing.



Her body rubbed up against mine, hot breath tickling up and down my neck. My head was in a frenzy, holding onto her hips as she swayed back and forth.

She let out a laugh, a very sexy laugh, raising her head towards the ceiling. Bethany and Sam were besides us, dancing together as we were.

My whole body ached for Emme, every single inch. I wanted her, I needed her. She made me feel better all the time, especially with everything going on with my dad...

Her soft lips brushed slowly against mine, into a gentle kiss. She chewed a bit on my bottom lip, then backed away slowly. I frowned, wanting more, and she just giggled.

"I'm going to the bathroom," she called over the loud music. I nodded, and she went over towards the other side of the house with Bethany, disappearing out of sight. Sam edged over towards me yelling over all the noise.

"Man, I think I'm in love," He swooned, zoning off at the mere thought of Bethany. I smiled, remembering the sleepless weekend I had right after I met Emme. 

"Same here," I replied, remembering the feel of Emme's body against mine. Her sweet, gentle touch...

Right then, Claire came stumbling over in her stilettos and short martini dress, a beer bottle in hand. She was obviously drunk, just begging for some guy to come and take advantage of her.

"Hey there hotties," She slurred, rocking back and forth slightly. I gave myself a quick face palm, staring down at her.

"Claire, you're way too drunk," I said, grabbing a hold of her arm before she would fall.

"What's the matter Mikey, scared your pathetic girlfriend will dump ya?" Her breath smelt like alcohol, her face inches away from mine. I pushed her back slightly, looking away. Obviously, she was just saying random shit. What did that even have to do with what I was saying?

"Claire, that's your best friend your talking about," I replied, rolling my eyes slightly. Right then, she fell flat on her face, legs flying up. I sighed, looking over at Sam.

"I think I should take her home..."

He nodded at me and helped me pick her up, leaning her on my shoulder.

She mumbled random things, mostly about me, and almost barfed at one point. It took me forever just to get across the living room, let alone the solitude of the hallway.

She wriggled out from under my shoulder and just stood in place, staring at me. Then, she laughed. 

"What's so funny?" I asked, shoving my hands in my pocket. She covered her mouth, looking away from me and the back.

"I'm just shocked. Why did I set you up with Emme?" She chuckled at the end, staring at the ground.

"What do you mean?" I asked, arching an eyebrow.

"I mean," She said, leaning in closer. I stepped back, but my back pressed against the wall. "I mean, you're so hot, and Emme...well, doesn't deserve this."

"Shut up." I mumbled, getting angrier and angrier each minute. Wasn't this her best friend?

"Mikey, You know we're perfect for each other. I'm hot, your just works out..."

"I have a girlfriend, Claire, and she's your best friend. You shouldn't talk about her like that."

"Not for long..." She chuckled to herself, biting her bottom lip.

"What are y-" She interrupted me by smashing her lips into mine, pressing me against the back wall.

Her hands wrapped around me, pulling me in and sticking her disgusting tongue in my mouth. I could taste the beer, it was gross. I tried pushing her off, but the dead wait of being so drunk, and her pushing back at me wasn't helping.

I froze in place, unable to move as she basically lip raped me. What the hell was going on? I have a girlfriend! I LOVE MY GIRLFRIEND! This psycho bitch is her best friend.

I heard footsteps coming down the hall, and then, they stopped.

Claire backed away, smiling at what she had just done. I stared at her in shock, and then the ground. Another pair of feet were there. I followed them and then gazed up, seeing who it was.

It was Emme.


GAH! You probably hate me right now! 

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