Chapter Sixteen

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"Why didn't you tell me about what happened between you and Jeff?"

Michael leaned right by my locker, staring me straight in the eye as I gathered my books.

"It wasn't that important." I responded non-chalantly, pulling out my french text book.

"Yes it was, he could have hurt you." His voice was serious, not changing at all.

I slammed my locker shut and walk towards class, in the exact opposite direction. Michael quickly followed behind, taking long steps so he was nearly by my side.

"Oh relax," I finally replied, a little bit snottily. 

He stopped walking and stood still, gazing at me. I stopped to and looked behind me, feeling regretful about what I just said. I shouldn't have been so rude, he's only watching out for me.

"Michael, I'm sorry." I apologized, looking up at him. He wouldn't look me in the eyes.

"No, I should relax, It's not like I care about  my girlfriend or anything." He turned around and started to walk away.

"Michael, wait!" I called, following after him. 

He wouldn't turn around, and was walking fast. I finally caught up with him, grabbing his arm so he would turn around.

"What?" He mumbled, still not looking me in the eyes.

"I know." I said, giving him a kiss on the cheek. He then looked up at me, waiting for me to continue.

"I know you're only looking out for me, and I shouldn't have been so rude, but it was nothing, really."

"Imagine if Sam didn't show up Em, " He said, looking me with hurt.

"He just grabbed my arm," I said.

"Yeah, but you and me both know he was going to do more. Emme, I could never live with myself if he hurt you, if anyone hurt you." His voice was serious, eyes filled with sorrow and guilt.

I just gave him a big hug, feeling his muscular arms wrap around me. I leaned in, taking in his sweet scent. I didn't want to leave, but the bell had to ring.



Sam was laughing with the other guys, talking about what I loser I was about the whole announcement yesterday. I just smiled, chewing on another fry.

"You're turning into a softy." Mark said, punching my shoulders. The other guys errupted in a chorus of laughters.

"I've always been a softy," I replied, "She's just bringing it out."

Right then, Emme walked over to the lunch table, setting her salad down next to me like she always did. I have to give her credits, the only other girl sitting her is Liana, Jackson's girlfriend, but she never really talks to Emme. Emme usually just talks with the guys, that's why they love her so much.

"Hey," She beamed at everyone, sitting down next to me and giving me a quick kiss on the lips.

"Ew, not at lunch," Garret joked around, swatting the air around him, Emme only giggled, leaning in to give me a longer kiss. God, she's so good at kissing.

"Ew," All the guys said, laughing when they had all said it at the same time.

Emme laughed, sticking a tomato slice in her mouth.

Out of no where, Brenan stood up on the lunch table, the thing we all normally did when we wanted to make an announcement to the whole grade. Luckily, our table was right in the middle of the cafeteria, enabling everyone to see who ever was speaking.

"Hey everyone!" Brenan called loudly, making everyone stop what they were doing and listen. Once it was dead quiet he cupped his hands around his mouth the make his voice louder.

"PARTY AT MY PLACE TONIGHT!" he pumped his fist, and everyone began to cheer. He took a quick, lame bow, and plopped back down into his seat.

"Where something sexy," he winked at Emme. She just made this face at him, then leaned on my shoulder.

"Sorry, I'm taken," She smirked, looking up at me. I smiled, giving her a kiss on the forehead.

"Damn," Brenan said, making Emme and I start to laugh. 

Emme had told me that her favorites out of all my friends were Sam and Brenan. Brenan for being so funny, and Sam for being...well, Sam.

I looked over at Sam to see him staring off at the new girl. I had to admit, she was pretty.

She was really tall, probably six foot, with long dirty blonde hair, and grey eyes. She was a perfect match for Sam, and from what I could tell, she was really nice.

Emme noticed to, and just looked up at me and smiled.

"Hey Sam," She said, giving him a tap across the table.

"Huh, what?" He answered, shaking his head a little bit and looking at Emme.

"Can I talk to you?"

"Uh, Yeah. Sure."

They both got up and walked out of the cafeteria and down the hall, disappearing out of sight.

"Ooh, you better worry Mike. Looks like Sam's stealing your girl," Brenan joked.

I just smiled waiting for the two to come back.



"Emme, would you really do that for me?" Sam asked, eyes shining.

"Of course!" I replied. 

The new girl, Bethany, was in a bunch of my classes, and she seemed really nice. I'd just invite her to the party, tell her how much Sam likes her, and BAM, he'll have a new girlfriend.

"Thanks!" He said giddily, giving me a tight bear hug.

"Sam-I can't breathe," I struggled to get out, as he was choking me too death.

"Oh, sorry." He let go of me and just smiled. 


Sorry, it's short. The party will be VERY important, So keep reading! Next chapter out soon.

Oh, and Bethany is based after my best friend who recently moved away.

Miss you Beth :(

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