Chapter Twenty- Four

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It had been a week since I'd told Emme I was moving, and she got clingy.

Not that I didn't like it, I loved it.

It just made me feel so sad.

She always held onto me, talking about the most unimportant things, like what her friends were doing over the weekend, or how she wanted to re-paint her room pink. 

I didn't mind. I like listening to her. I like answering her questions or showing my point of few.

I like her, period.

Sometime, however, It pains me to see her like this.

Yes, we always walk together in the hallway.

Yes, we always talk to each other.

Yes, we always hug and kiss and hold hands.

But somehow it feels like we have to. Like we don't want to waste the time we have. 

She just doesn't want to leave my side, and I don't want to leave her.

Before, when I went to drop her off at english, she was crying. She didn't want to leave me, even if it was for one period.

I didn't want to leave her either, but I knew I didn't have a choice.

God, I love her. I love her with everything I have. It's going to be impossible to leave...I don't know how long I could take without being by her, without feeling her sweet lips on my own, without holding her in my arms...

I already made a plan for when I left. 

I was going to take all the money I saved over the past couple of years and spend it on seeing her.

First, I was going to by a plane ticket to visit during spring break.

Then, I was going to fly her over to Florida to spend the whole summer with me.

It would be perfect. Just us, together in love.

Like it is now.



English class is the worst.

Not only am I away from Michael, but I have to deal with Jeff.

I hate him.

He's sweet and innocent on moment, then a complete jerk the next.

I don't know how I even wasted my time with him.

When I look back, I notice how miserable I was when he was at some football game, probably flirting with some random girl.

And I knew, I just never said anything.

When I look back, I see how upset i was when he wouldn't call me when he said he would...which was every night.

I kept up with it.

When I look back, I see how desperate I was to please him, willing to do anything I wanted...Even loose my virginity.

Good thing I chickened out at the last second, even has he was forcing me down.

When I look at myself now, I can only describe in one word,


Okay...Maybe a few more.

In love




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