Chapter Six

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I'm so sorry this took me forever to get out! I was kind of waiting for comments on chapter five...but I didn't get any, so I thought I would just write this chapter. School starts tuesday for me, so I'll be busy. But I'll find time for writing.


The next morning, I couldn't wait to go to school, which was a huge shocker on my part. Usually I found school a worthless amount of time. I mean, I already knew half of the stuff they were teaching, and plus, after high school, and possibly college, I wont ever use it. But today I was finally going to set things straight with Michael and tell him how I felt. Hopefully Sam wasn't lying about him liking me, or that would just be plain awkward.

When I got to school I headed directly towards my locker, shoving all my books and papers inside. I waited to hear Michael behind me, but all I heard was Claire squealing in my ear, to close that it stung.

"What was that yesterday with you and Staton?" She asked, grabbing my shoulders so I could face her.

"Wha-?" I questioned, then remembered me being carried off with him by the whole basketball team. "Oh, it was nothing. Just a friendly gesture I guess."

"You call that a 'friendly gesture'?!" She was making me feel a little stupid inside for saying that, "It's obvious he likes you."

"I-I know," I said quietly, looking at the floor.

"WHAT?!" She screeched, "Did he tell you or something? Did you guys kiss? Are you two a couple now?!"

"Relax!" I harshly whispered, closing my locker shut and slinging my pocket book over my shoulder. She looked at me questionably.

"Sam told me that he really likes me," I finally said.

"So...Sam likes you?" She arched an eyebrow.

"No!' I quickly spat out, a little too loudly, "Michael does!"

She made her lips an 'O' shaped and stared at me. Now she was going to bombard me with even more questions. I sighed, looking over her shoulders to see If I could see Michael. He wasn't anywhere in sight, which made me feel a little guilty. I shouldn't have walked out of the pizza place last night, just stay there a little longer...

"Hello?? Earth to Em?" Claire said flailing her arms in front of my face.

"Huh?" I quickly snapped back fully into reality as the bell rang. "I have to go,".

I slowly trudged to class, scanning every hallway in the entire building for him, but he was no where to be found. I sighed. Where could he be?


All my classes passed as a blur, one slowly fading into the next. Claire and Savannah stalked me in between classes to question me about Michael. I wasn't listening at all, only paying attention to everyone passing by. Sadly, none of them were him, and it only made me feel worse.

Did I scare him off? Did he never want to see my face ever again? How could I-

OOF. I knocked into a person, almost making me spill my stuff everywhere.

"Sorry," I mumbled, looking up to just be face to face with Michael. Savannah and Claire stood still behind me, gawking at him. He just grabbed my arm lightly, pulling me down the hall and into a deserted hallway.

"I need to talk to you," he spoke softly, leaning back against the wall. His hair was the perfect type of messy look I loved, falling a little into his grey blue eyes. His knitted eyebrows were scrunched together as if he was deep in thought, and he pursed his big pink lips. 

"Where were you all day?" I blurted out.

He smiled for a second, biting his lower lip and looking at the ground, then back at me.

"Why, you were looking for me?" He asked. I blushed, looking away from him.

He cleared his throat. "Anyways," He said, getting back on topic, "I need to apologize for last night. I shouldn't have made you feel like you should have left last night."

"Micky," I sighed, gazing up into his spectacular eyes, "I left on my own. You didn't do anything to make me want to."

"No, I did. Everything was going great until...until I said we were just friends." His voice got softer at the end, and there was a complete silence and awkward pause. He wasn't looking at me for a while, and I wasn't looking at him. I could hear the noises of everyone getting to their own classes and talking in the other hallways as they echoed off the high ceilings.

"I-I just don't what this thing between us is, you know?" he sighed, gazing up at me. My heart was pounding in my chest, so loud that I faintly heard the bell ring. Crap, I needed to get off to class, but I couldn't just leave like this. I knew he liked me, but for some reason, i was too scared to share my feelings and risk getting hurt. Sam told me to trust him...

"Well, if it helps, I like you more then a friend." I said flirtatiously, standing on the tops of my feet and giving him a soft and gentle kiss on the cheek. I could smell his sweet woodsy cologne,making my heart melt and my lips ache for his even more. I held the urge back, knowing this would be just right.

I edged a couple inches away from his face and went flat on my feet. He was stunned, face turning a shade of pink and his mouth opened the slightest bit. 

I slowly backed away, holding onto my books.

"I better be getting to class," I said, gradually turning around and walking in the other direction.

For once in the longest time, I felt confident that I had done the right thing.


Sorry it was short, but did you like it?? I knew I had to put some kind of kiss in here. Anyway, PLEASE COMMENT!!! I love comments :D

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