2. The decision

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Jeff's p.o.v

"Please no, don't kill me ! Please!"

I smile cruelly. This woman is so annoying, just ruining my fun with all that stupid begging and crying. Her face is full of tears and even some saliva. Her wonderful blond hair is now a mess around my fingers, while her make up creates black marks around her eyes, adding to the hideous portrait. She is...disgusting. She doesn't even deserve to be killed by me, she only deserves a gruesome death made by an amateur.

"Please stop!" She yells once again, staring at my knife precisely placed on her neck, where her blood flows.

"Why should I stop? We're having so much fun right now. Don't you agree?" I let go of her ugly hair, and caress her neck down until the beginning of her chest. She tenses under my slow touch, crying harder, even trying to push me out of her weak body.

"Don't touch me you freak!" She screams in a last attempt at being strong, surely caused by her useless survival instinct.

I have to admit, her outburst is surprising. But the way she is shivering when I get her trapped between me and her living room wall, my knife dangerously close to her, is indicating me that she is utterly terrified and that she knows the outcome of this encounter. Her tears dirtying my knife, avoiding my gaze. Finally, she's giving up. That means no more fun for me.
Without any word, I press my knife on her throat and slice it open. Slowly. Very slowly. I see the blood pouring out of her throat and my eyes sparkle with lust. Her body is now twisting in my arms, like if she's having convulsions. Her eyes are wide opened just like her mouth, still looking down though, but no sound comes out.  Thankfully, she's still moving a bit. Good. I want her to feel her blood spills out of her body. I want her to feel her life vanishing. I want to see the fear and death in her eyes. That's how I love it. She doesn't even scream when I stab her in the stomach, then in her chest. She just makes a bubbling noise, like drowning in her own blood, and I let her body fall on the ground lifelessly. To finish her, I take her face in my hands and start to cut her right cheek about 3 cm. I want her to look like me, to look like her killer. To embrace death with a smile. I do the same treatment to her left cheek. I finally stare at the art piece on her face : even with that permanent smile and all her wonderful blood on her throat and body, she's still ugly. And she is still not looking at me, she avoided death until the end.

Bored and unsatisfied by this kill, I just stand up, not caring about the mess I made. She wasn't even worth it, just crying and begging for her stupid life. I hide my knife in my white hoodie stained with blood, dried or fresh, and exit her living room, but not before spitting next to her body:

"Look at me, you slut."

I don't care about leaving evidence. No officer can find me, they are not smart enough. On the contrary, I like to give them evidence that it was me, with the cuts on the cheeks and a note with the words "Go To Sleep" just for them. I want them to know that it was me, to fear me, to tell their stupid friends and families to be careful, because a monster is here. I'm here. 

I want the whole city to shiver when I'm out, I want mothers to lock all the doors and windows of their houses, to give them the illusion of protection against me. Nothing can protect them from me.

But, me, I want to have fun, to find someone who will have the guts to fight me back. When my victims start to see my face, they just freeze in fear and stop moving. It was fun in the beginning, but since 8 years of being what I am, it's starting to annoy me.

While I leave the house of my victim I notice that it's already dark outside. I am in an empty street, with not a lot of lights on surprisingly. It's good for me, I can easily walk without people seeing my face and the blood on my clothes. No one pays attention to me, it's like they can feel by my aura that it'd be dangerous to even look at me.

After 10 minutes of random walking, in hopes of finding someone to kill next, I spot a playground in the middle of a park. I smile in anticipation, maybe some children and their mothers will be there, playing and having fun.
How I hate these people. Trying to be happy in a mad world full of injustice. I need to show them how the world is cruel. The weakest die, that's all. I'm just doing them a favor.

I continue to walk in that direction, the urge to kill raising inside of me.

I want more, so much more!

Suddenly, I stop. There's a girl over there, just laying on the grass like sleeping, staring at the sky. Probably daydreaming or sleeping like all the useless girls do nowadays. I can't see her well from where I am, but she seems young, like 18 or 20. Young girls want to live, love, and all those stupid things. So they will fight back, right? Perfect to kill.

I start to smile evilly and take a step closer to her, eager to study her more. That's when I realize by the look of her body how weak she's going to be, and how bored I am. Do you realize that? Me, Jeff the Killer, the man who killed hundreds of people, bored to kill? I need something new. Something more exciting. Something more...thrilling.

It's when she finally stands up and starts to leave the park that I can see her way better. She's a brown haired girl, not so tall. She's still listening to music, not paying attention to whatever is in front of her. She seems so....vulnerable. I can easily be behind her and stab her, and she won't even react.

Too easy to kill, too boring.

She seems so naive. It gets on my nerves. I hate people like that, who thinks how the world is good and how happiness is for everyone. She's probably the kind of girl who dreams about love and friendship for life.
How they are all wrong. I will show them. I will show them the real world. And I will start with her.
I am not going to just kill her, I'm going to scare the shit out of her, see her becoming slowly crazy. I want her to lose her sanity completely. And then I will wait for the time when she will beg me to end her miserable life, because she won't take it anymore. Oh yes. That's how it's going to be.

I follow her in the dark, licking the blood presents on my knife.
Oh, it'll be so much fun.

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