Chapter# 2

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Salam and hello everyone!

Before the chapter let me clarify this. Updating YWABM doesn't mean that problem related to YRM is solved. It stands as it was before. So kindly don't ask me to upload YRM.

Before updating this chapter, I have been reading comments on YRM and it all came back. The excitement of updating the chapter died down instantly and once again I remember how my readers suffer harassment for taking my side. :(

amreen_01 musku_g
Thank you once again both of you for everything you have done related to YRM. Bless you. Same goes with
rushdaameen AdibahRafhanah
and many more.

I hope you will like the chapter.
I kept my promise.


After a very long ride from the airport, Ahad's eyes roamed around the familiar streets of Shareefabad. The same streets, the same foggy environment of sunrise, same morning rush, children running out of the home in uniforms, holding their bags. It felt the same as before like nothing has changed in this past year.

Ahad drops his head back, the memories of walking on these streets with friends got refreshed in his mind. He turns his head to the window and watches the houses pass one by one, including the house where he once lived.

Within fifteen minutes, Ahad was climbing the stairs to Moosa's office, but a low sound of sobs made him stop and he starts walking in the direction where it is coming from. The sobs got louder when he reached the store just below the staircase.
A frown formed on his face, as he opens the store door and found a girl sitting with her face buried in her knees. By two black long braids, Ahad realized who the person is. It was Shahina.

He sighed. Stepping out of the store, he makes a quick call to Moosa.

"Hello, Ahad?" He heard Moosa's voice.

"You're needed, in the store below your office staircase." Ahad said.

"Just come quick." He said and ends the call.

Ahad silently stood next to the door, looking at Shahina, who stopped sobbing but covered her head with a dupatta.

What is she doing here...?

He wanted to ask, but knowing Shahina, he kept quiet and waits for Moosa, who came rushing down and directly went into the store after nodding at Ahad in acknowledgement. After a few minutes, Ahad heard Moosa calling for the head housemaid.

"Amma Bi (mother)." On his voice, a middle-aged woman comes towards the door.
"Ji (yes) Moosa?"

"Call Nats, ask her to come and take Shahina to a salon. Also, help her to her room." Moosa said, coming out of the store and Amma Bi rushed in.

"What happened?" Ahad asked Moosa as they start to make their way to his office.

"She accidentally burned her hair." Moosa sighed.


"Yeah, the end of a few strands of her hair is burnt from the stove."

"That's... odd." Ahad replied.

"Odd things happen to Shahina very often, now we are used to it... Anyway, how are you?" He said, taking a seat on the sofa in his office and so does Ahad.

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