Chapter# 40

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Kanwal didn't understand what time it was when she woke up by light continues knocks on the door. Thinking it could be Mahnoor she rushed towards the door, Kanwal has become overprotective of her these days. Her extreme mood swings are getting a headache for everyone and she has no idea how to satisfy Mahnoor when he inquires about Moosa. But as Kanwal opened the door, she comes face to face with her husband instead of her friend.


"I wanted to see you."

A sweet indescribable feeling washed over her and she silently made way from him to come inside.

"Is everything alright?" Kanwal asked gently, closing the door behind him.

"Not really. Without you, nothing is right." He sat on the bed and stretched his hand towards her.

"Should I get anything for you?" She asked holding his hand. Ahad shook his head in negative and wrapped up his hands around her waist.

"You look worried. What's bothering you?" Kanwal asked combing his hairs with her fingers.

Ahad leaned his head against her and closed his eyes, he missed this touch than anything. Her presence, her warmth, her soft skin against his own. As if he was missing the greatest blessing of his life. If only Ahad was expressive about his emotions she would know how incomplete he felt without her.

Minutes passed and they remain still, without saying a word to each other. But words haven't played many roles in their lives. It was always the silence, their unsaid feelings and the exchange of emotion through the touch. An extremely strange way to communicate, however, it never left them unsatisfied. Slowly, Ahad's stiff muscle relaxed and before Kanwal could notice, he was drifted into sleep.

"Ahad?" She touched his face but no answer came.

Unable to move his heavy body, she struggled to lay him down at the edge of the bed. She took off his shoes and sat on the floor near him looking at his sleeping face. The dark bags under his eyes were the evidence of overburdened by responsibilities and there is nothing Kanwal could do about, not even being beside him. Holding his hand she put her head on his arm and closed her eyes. She never imagined watching him in this state, tired and helpless. It wasn't the Ahad she knew.

Is this how you were after Arsalan's death???

This question was the last thing that comes in Kanwal's mind before the sleep engulfed her.


Spare me for this Saturday yar, I have some plans."

"Plans? You are giving tuition to that kid again?"


"Come on yar, I told you to leave him be. His family isn't even paying you."

"Yar," he paused for a moment before continuing, "Once, his father apologized to me, that he couldn't pay his tuition fee because of his insufficient salary and want to discontinue his tuition. I got a furious hearing that because I was really looking forward to the pay. But... as there was no use of saying anything I decided to leave silently. Before going I told him that I will not come that moment, the look in his eyes was..... it was indescribable Ahad. He was ashamed and probably worried about his kid's future but he wasn't trying to stop me. The helpless look in his eyes and the weak voice in which he thanked me, pierce in my heart. It was just like Papa's voice when he spoke his last words to me. At that moment, I didn't find the strength to leave him in that state, so I told him that I will continue tutoring his son without any pay."

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