Author's Note

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Salam and hello everyone!

I hope you all are doing fine.
Thank you very much readers for texting me and asking how I was doing. It was really really nice of you guys. I may not answer everyone but I definitely read your texts.
Now, back to the point. As you all know that I don't write author's notes unless there isn't a need and right now, I believe that you all have right to know about the reason of my late/ no updates. First because of my exams which was in January and after it, something happened and I find myself unable to write anymore. I lost my best friend just after my exams.
Her sudden death left my mind in complete chaos. I tried my best to keep my head level and keep writing, so you guys don't have to wait but I failed. Than I thought to take a short break from everything and start again but it also failed, leaving me no other option to completely back off from everything and that's what I did. At least I think that I did, but to be honest with you all there wasn't a single day when I didn't think of the readers of my stories waiting for update. Everyday I feel guilty and thought to write an AN and apologize to you all but I couldn't find the courage to do it. Then I thought that I should start writing again and compensate by giving you fast update but I failed in doing that too.
You probably be thinking what a looser I am, but this is how I am. Or should I say this is how I have become . It's been two months since she left me, I am slowly trying to accept the fact that my best friend is not here anymore and no matter how much I mourn for her she won't be coming back. Therefore, I will try my best to pull myself together and enjoy every moment of my life, just like I used to enjoy when we were together.
Okay, I think I am being overly emotional here and I should come back to the point.
So my dear sweet readers, I need your support. I am putting YWABM and OMDT on pause and continue with only MFEH for awhile. Because OMDT and YWABM remind me of my friend, as her name was also Kanwal and her son name is Faiq. Only Allah knows why I named those two character after my friend and her son. Anyways, this is the main reason, I hope you all understand and give me some time. Sorry for taking so long to inform you guys.

Love you all!

Take Care :)

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