What I Am In His Eyes

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I hate that you can't dedicate the chapter to two people so I'm also dedicating this chapter to skylarpromise23 for being my HJ buddy and a GREAT writer who lets me live carelessly through her ;)

As for thewhitedoragurl well she is just AMAZING and the proud owner of the gay chiwawa in a clown suit :)

Love ya both gurliess :)

Okay on with the chapter....hope you like it :)


"Who did the graphics on this thing" I said amazed as I stared at the awesome fire graphic on a 1990 Cadillac fleet-wood Brougham. "This is a classic"

"yeah I know right" Dean said "A couple of months ago this guy came in and just offered to do the graphics on cars when ordered, he doesn't even charge."

 "This is just amazing" I delicately let my fingers roam over the graphics afraid to damage it by simply touching it "I mean....wow"

"Okay come on, stop eyeing the merchandise" Dean teased "And get to work on the BMW over there, the carburetor needs a change."

"Aye aye, sir" I joked heaing over to the BMW. "hello my sweet" I said. "What shall I fix in you today?"

"Talking to cars again lux?" a heard a familiar voice behind me "I told you we need to get her some meds"

I turned around with a grin as I spotted the twins but then i realized what Shane said

 "HEY! I do not need meds I am not crazy I'm just...special?" I said and they walked over to me

"Sure you are honey" Shane said patting my arm comfortingly "And just for that we're gonna get you a nice jacket that allows you to hug yourself. Isn't that fun?"

I narrowed my eyes at him "Why did you come here again? to make fun of me?" i fake pouted and gave them the puppy dog eyes.

"Oh right you need to go home some old people are there asking for you" Cameron shrugged and my brow furrowed. 

"Okay I guess"I shrugged "Dean is it okay if I left now?"

"yeah sure I'll take care of this" Dean answered me from his office "See you tomorrow"

I took my jacket and hopped on my bike while the twins got in their car and we drove to the pack house,

I parked and noticed a familiar car outside. but i couldn't remember to whose it was. I got in the house and heard people talking in the living room.

As soon as I stepped in all heads turn to me "There's my favorite girl" I heard a familiar gruff voice say and I grinned

"Uncle Rob" I said running and hugging him I pulled away and turned to the dark haired woman at his side

"Aunt Catherine" I hugged her. They weren't really related to me but they practically raised me so I called them Uncle and Aunt.

"Now why haven't you visited since you came back we had to hear from Damon over here" Uncle Rob said patting Damon. Oh, yeah. Did I forget to mention they were Damon's parent's? They never knew how he treated me and I never told them. They were always so proud of him, it would break their hearts.

"I'm sorry you know. Pack stuff and all" I said smiling at them

"Oh yeah and what's that I heard about you joining another pack?" Uncle Rob said frowning "And why did you run away"

Jason was about to but in and say something about defensive about why I ran but i interrupted him. I didn't want them to know. "Complications Uncle Rob. But it doesn't matter now, I'm back"

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