Getting To Me

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Lux's P.O.V.

I woke up the next day and I was in my bed. Hmm one of the guys must have carried me

 I took a shower and changed into some tight Denim jeans, a black shirt and some converse before heading downstairs.  The smell of burning food hit me before I even reached the kitchen which only meant one thing.

  "Oh shit" I walked in the kitchen and saw the twins trying to put off a fire on the stove. I ran and placed a cover on top of the frying pan so the fire would go out. I turned back at the guilty looking twins, grinning at me with traces of eggs on their clothes.

 "Guys remember what we agreed to when it comes to cooking?" I asked them like five-year-olds.

  "Never go near the kitchen unless for cereal" They both said at the same time and I nodded, looking pointedly at the messy stove, then back at them.

 "That's right so..." I gestured towards the stove "Explain"

 "We were hungry"Shane said looking at the ground "And there's no more cereal" 

 "What?" I asked shocked. Damn I was looking forward to my coco pops.

 "Yeah turns out having a two packs in the same house might cause a food shortage" Cameron smirked "And I swear, Lux. It's either people here are either too lazy to cook or don't know how do to. How the hell do they survive like this."

  "There's something called take-out. And sometimes some of the older pack members are nice enough to come help us cook" Zach said coming in the kitchen "Damn what happened?" he asked eyeing the stove.

  "An accident with eggs" I said eyeing the twins.

  "Wow" Jason said coming in the kitchen and seeing the mess. His expression turned from surprised to amused once he saw the twins "Twins tried to cook again?"

 I nodded and started cleaning the stove.

 "What are we supposed to eat for breakfast now?" Shane asked and I sighed dumping what was left of the eggs in the trash can.

  "Look guys I'll make you a deal" I told them placing the pan in the sink "Stick to the toast now and I'll make you your favorite dinner"

 Shane and Cameron looked at me with grins "You mean..."

  "Yup my famous lasagna" I winked at them and I could see their excitement about it.

  "What's so special about lasagna?" Zach asked with one eyebrow raised.

  "Are you serious. You never cooked for them?" Cameron asked in disbelief.

 "I heard Lasagna?" Damon said walking in the room with Jared.

 "Apparently, Lux has some famous lasagna everyone is dying for." Zach said

  "Lux cooks?" he asked the twins but kept his eyes on me, a smirk plastered on his face. Boy did I have a few ways to wipe the smirk off that face, all very, very painful.

 "Not everything, and not willingly. She hates cooking but does it every once in a while" Shane answered "She told us her mom taught her" I smiled weakly remembering my mom and dad. God I missed them. I was planning to go and visit them today. Thank god it was Saturday, having Friday as a first day of school was definitely a good thing.

 "Anyways" I change the subject and glance at Jared who wasn just eating quietly not joining the conversation. "Jared?" his head snapped up and he looked at me with shock on his face.

 The room fell silent, probably because no one expected me to talk to him. Okay, come on it's not like I'll never talk to the guy. I just wasn't planningn on being best buds with him anytime soon.

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