You Called Me Beautiful

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Helo :P I know I haven't updated in a while...sorry bout that.

The song is Driving Myself Insane by Frankie J and it rocks. It fits Jason's situation with Lux PERFECTLY

Lux's P.O.V.

"Okay honey just keep this wrapped around your arm for tonight and that should be it" The pack doctor told me as she started gathering her things. For some reason she looked familiar, I didn't know how but she did.

"Do I know you?" I asked her cocking my head to the side. She smiled and shook her head

"No. But you know my daughter Ren I believe" A light bulb flashed in my head and I smiled, of course she was Ren's mother the similarities were obvious

"You look a lot alike" I told her and she nodded

"That's what my husband says as well" she held her bag "Okay honey get well soon and don't put too much pressure on that arm. I'm going now get some rest honey I'll tell those boys not to bother you til tomorrow."

"You don't have to I'm fin I--" I started but she interrupted

"No you are my patient and these are doctor's orders. Now rest" I smirked and nodded, resting my head on the pillow and allowing myself to fall deep asleep, I thanked god we decided to take a day off from school tomorrow cause frankly I wouldn't have gone either way.

I woke up hours later and noticed it was dark now about 1 AM, my mind went through the events of the day. I never could get much sleep after a fight and this was just too close, I almost lost Jason in it. I found myself in need of some fresh air. I stood up and put on a jacket over my tank top and sweats and went to the backyard and kept walking till I reached the lake.

The lake was one of my favorite places before I left, it always made me feel peaceful. I sat on the edge of it, hugging my knees to myself and leaning against the tree beside me.

"thought I'd find you here" I head an all too familiar voice say behind me. I looked behind me and sighed 

"Not tonight Damon please, not tonight" I said looking back at the lake. I heard him sigh and could imagine him running his hand through his hair.

"I just wanted to see if you were okay Lux" he said and I heard his footsteps coming closer. "I mean it's been an interesting day for you"

I chuckled humorlessly and shook my head "That's one way to describe it" He sat beside me

"how did you know about the explosion?" he asked and I sighed tightening the robe around me

"he told me.. didn't catch his name but I'm guessin he's the boss of them" I said still staring at the lake, not wanting to look at him yet.

"you scared me" he said in a barely audible voice that I doubted I heard him, but I did.

"What?" my brows furrowed and I finally looked at him, only he wasn't looking at me, his eyes were  on his lap 

"When I saw...when I saw you after you pushed Jason. When the house exploded I...I was terrified Lux, i's a sight I never want to see again: you hurt."

I didn't answer and averted my gaze back to the lake., the moonlight was shining on it making it look breathtaking.

"I think I should go sleep now" I said just as a slight breeze came and my jacket opened just a bit.

Damon clutched the grass with his hands and nodded "This time I think you should" he glanced at my open robe that I hastily closed again.

I got up and started walking away when I heard tell me to wait I urned around and waited for him to talk

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