Christmas preparations

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I think I'm going to cry *Wails* There's almost 1 or maybe 2 chapters left - depends on how I decide to write the next chap- and then there's the *coughs* 'naughty' chapter :P Which I am going to post separately and then I'm going to start on the second book in the series which is going to be about Chase and his mate, I'm very excited about it. But I still feel like crying because this story is ending.

Anw, the song for this chap is 'Keeper of the stars' by Tracy Byrd. I love this song and was listening to it while writing this chap so voila.

Lol I really suck at choosing titles for the chapters btw :P I just put the first thing that comes to mind :P

Vote, Comm, Enjoy. :D


Damon's P.O.V.

I woke up panting damn it it was the same dream again. But this time Lux didn't fade away, instead she was replaced with her beat up body covered in blood, her eyes wide in fear. I shivered and suddenly felt the need to check on her.

I got up from my bed and got out. I opened her bedroom door silently and got inside, closing it behind me. I smiled and felt relief when I saw her. She's fine. She's still here  I reassured myself. Her hair was splayed around her, one of her arms was under the pillow as she slept peacefully. God if I could take a picture of her now I would.

I felt like stalker watching her while she slept but I couldn't help it I needed to check on her. I was about to turn around and go back to my room when a knife flew missing me by an inch and ending up on the wall behind me. I turned and found Lux standing up with a bullet in front of me.

"don't think I missed, cause I guarentee I never miss. Who is this?" she said and I looked at her in confusion that's when I remembered that she was human. She couldn't see in the dark anymore.

"Lux it's me. Damon" I said and immediately she put the gun down and turned the light on

"You almost gave me heart attack" she said "What are you doing here?"

 "Where did the gun and knife come from?" I changed the subject quickly

"I always keep a gun and knife under my pillow. You never know who might attack at night"

I chuckled and rolled my eyes "should have known"

"you didn't answer my question" she said "What are you doing here?"



I looked at her for a moment before I answered "losing you." I stated "I've already lost you two times I guess it's made me paranoid. I had to check on you"

she bit her lip and nodded before turning and going back into bed. I took the hint and turned around to leave. "Damon?" I heard her say

I turned and looked at her, she didn't say anything instead she scooted to the side and moved the covers "Stay with me tonight"

"Are you sure?"


I nodded grinning and got into bed with her. I wrapped an arm around her waist and brought her close to me. She looked so beautiful, her lips slightly parted, her hair a mess around her and her eyes as beautiful as always. I used my free hand to brush my knuckles on her cheek.

 "I love you"

She smiled and moved even closer to me, pressing her body against mine. Her lips were just inches from mine "I love you too" and then she kissed me and I immediately responded, tightening my hand around her waist as I let all the desperation, longing and frustration that I felt when she was gone into the kiss. This was the first time we've kissed since she got kidnapped and I wanted to show her just how much I loved her. 

Mate Or Not. You're Still A Jerk (#1 Mate or Not)Where stories live. Discover now