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Hey guys :D Chapter 36..yaaaay :P 

This chap is dedicated to EmmettWithHeaven, she gave me this song a while ago and I've been saving it for this chap cause I think about this song whenever this chap comes to mind.

Okay the song for this chap is 'Worth fighting for' by Katy McAllister.

Please check the author's note at the end of this chap, I got a surprise for you guys.

Vote, Comm, Enjoy :D


Damon's P.OV.

I smirked as I looked out the window and then glanced back at Lux. "It's snowing you know" I said "And not just small snowflakes this time, it's going to be a good blizzard"

I walked towards her bed and let my fingers linger on the side of her cheek. I glanced at the heart monitor and sighed, her heart beat has slowed down and become like humans, not as fast as wolves. I sighed and took the seat next to her, holding her hand.

I heard a knock on the door and Jared came in, followed by Jason, Chase, Taylor and the twins.

"Shouldn't ou guys be asleep?" I asked and they all looked at me weirdly

"You really think we'd be able to sleep anywhere but here? We almost lost her today" Cameron said "We're gonna sleep here tonight"

I nodded and turned back to looking a my beautiful mate.

"You didn't have dinner" Jason stated "how long has it been since you've eaten?"

"Don't care"

"You really think she'd want you to do that?"

"Yeah well she can kick my ass for it when she wakes up"

Jason sighed and shook his head just as the door opened and Ren came in. It was the first time I noticed her scent had changed, Jason's scent was mixed with hers and I knew she must have had her heat. But I couldn't help the slight feeling of jealousy in me

Lux's P.O.V.

Pain. That was all I could think about. I didn't know whether to wish it would stop or to be grateful. Pain meant I was alive, that I wasn't dead yet. But for a short while I didn't feel any pain but then the pain just stopped. I didn't understand what was happening, all I knew was that I was suddenly aware of someone holding my hand.

My eyes were heavy but I opened them anyways. I adjusted to the blurriness and ignored the dryness in my throat, When I finally managed to see right I glanced around the room and frowned.

It was still dark but there was a bit of light out. Damon's hand was holding mine, Jason was sitting on the window sill, Shane and Cameron were sleeping on opposite sides of the couch, Chase was sitting on the floor next to Jared and Taylor was sitting on a chair against the wall.

"Well aren't you the depressing bunch" I said and winced at how hoarse my voice came out. I was also thirsty, my mouth was completely dry. All their heads snapped up and I smiled weakly "Hi"

"Lux" Damon said breathing a sigh of relief and stood up. His hands framed my face and he stared into my eyes "God I missed you" he pressed his lips against my forehead and inhaled my scent "You're okay" he said but I had a feeling it was more to himself than to me "God,you're okay"

"Of course I am" I said "Someone has to make sure you boys behave" I chuckled and smiled when I saw Shane holding a glass of water to me "Thanks" I tried to sit up but groaned as my stomach hurt. Damon immediately helped me sit up and took the glass from Shane, helping me drink. "You know I can drink by myself right?"

Mate Or Not. You're Still A Jerk (#1 Mate or Not)Where stories live. Discover now