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I know I've been away long *sighs* sorry guys I'll try to be faster

I've decided on Nina Dobrev for Ren, pretty right? pic of her over there--------->

Amy suggestions for a song for this chap?!

Lux's P.O.V.

"Finally out of your room I see" Taylor said giving me a disapproving look, I grinned shyly and nodded

"Well, at least I'm done" I said and he chuckled and shook his head

"What did you come up with this time"

I motioned for him to follow me to my room and got a box from my dresser, I opened it and took out some darts.

"Sleeping darts" I stated "easily shot and once they hit any wolf he'll just fall and black out. It helps for interrogation"

"nice" Taylor said taking the dart from me and examining it

"Okay now these" I pulled out a small bottle and smiled smugly "You know lycotine? their new toy? well one small sip of this and it wouldn't work on you. Let's see how smart they are now"

Taylor's face brightened and I smirked but then glanced at the table

"And these" I said a bit hesitantly "Are maybe too harsh but I was just so mad" I took out the bullets and fingered them "pierce right through the skin, clean shot, and gives you about five minutes before you black out and then you'd be in terrible pain, for days while unconscious and you wouldn't be able to wake up as each organ gradually fails die"

Taylor's eyes widened "Wow" he said "remind me never to mess with you" I laughed and shook my head.

I walked downstairs and was greeted by a guilty looking Whitney 

"Something wrong?" I asked her and she motioned for me to follow her out. Once we were alone she turned to me

"Look You've helped me so I owe you this. I'm sorry but I lied to you. Damon never told me you were his mate I figured it out after I attacked you" she winced "that was low of me. And he hasn't slept with me ever since you came back and even before he rarely slept with me"she gulped, taking in my shocked impression "he really has been trying ever since you came back. He regrets what he did and although I shouldn't be the one to give advice but give him a chance"

"I-I..." I said but couldn't continue, too shocked. So she lied to me the entire time "but when you got out of his room in his shirt?"

She blushed "well I was in his room before he got in and when he did and saw me on the bed he said he didn't want to not now or ever and told me to get out. I took his shirt so no one would see me and maybe Zach would notice. So I'm really sorry"

I just nodded and walked away. So Damon really was trying to make it up to me. So everything I thought he did wrong since I came has been...not true? What did that even mean? No, I'm with Jason and that's that. 

"shit" I said remembering I had to head to the garage, just perfect. I walked in the living room to get my keys and saw jason pacing with a phone to his ear, his wound was almost healed now that thelycotine was out of him and he was walking normally now.

"god damn it" he said taking it away and dialing again "Answer me"

"who are you calling?" I asked walking towards him, placing my hands on his stiff shoulders. he looked tired, real tired and depressed "Jase, what's wrong?"

"Nothing" he said and smiled weakly "Go to work your going to be late"

"Are you sure? Jase what are you not telling me?" I was sure he was hiding something, I knew Jason.

Mate Or Not. You're Still A Jerk (#1 Mate or Not)Where stories live. Discover now