Trying not to break

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  • Dedicated to All My Readers

Okay guys turns out this story might end up being a little bit longer than I expected because I totally changed what happens after this chapter so there are a few chapters left

this chap is dedicated to everyone who read my story, thanks a lot guys for making my story reach 1 million reads, it really means a lot

So the song of this chapter is 'All these lives' by Chris daughtry. It was the song i was listening to while writing this chap.

P.S: This chap is not edited so there WILL be mistakes, no need to tell me :P

Vote, Comm, Enjoy :D


Damon's P.O.V.

Alpha we'll take over the search you need to rest you've been leading this longer than all of us I can take over Jared said over the mind link 

I'm find Jared I said as I continued searching, we were outside out territory now and searching lands. Not until I find her


No! Don't argue with me about this I'm not going home I snarled at him just as Micheal said 

You might have to Zach is just telling me Lux's parents are at the pack house, you need to explain to the what happened

I stopped running and looked back at Jared in his wolf form who just nodded at me, I knew I had to tell them.

Keep searching I won't be long I said before running back to the pack house. When I got there I shifted back and put some clothes on before walking in the living room to find Mr. and Mrs.Marison

"Hey Mr. Marison" I said as the couple got up and they each shook my hand 

"How many times have I told you to call me Greg" he said with the warm smile he always gave me "Now why did Jared tell us to come?"

"Greg..." I sarted "it's about Lux"

"What about her?" Lily asked alarmed "Is she hurt?"

"She's...Rogues took her" I heard Lily gasp as Greg tightened his grip around her waist 

"How? Why?"

"Because they know she's our weakness, that her pack would do anything for her" I said "And because..." I hesitated but I knew I had to tell them even if it meant them hating me "Because she's my mate"

"What?!" Greg said standing to his feet "You didn't find your mate"

"I did" I took a deep breath "it was Lux but I rejected her at first and then she ran away"

"Because of you?" her mom whispered "Jared said it was because of the bullying"

"That too" I added "You don't know how much I regretted rejecting her and we were just building a relationship when..." I trailed on.

"You bastard" Greg stood up, his fists clenched and his eyes changing to black, the first time I ever saw him lose control.

"Why exactly are you calling my son a bastard Greg?" My dad came in the room and narrowed his eyes at the scene in front of him "What's happened?"

"Lux was kidnapped by rogues" Greg answered "And it's your son's fault"

Shock was written across my father's face and he turned to me; he was tense with the news aboutLux. My mom put a hand on his shoulder to calm him down

Mate Or Not. You're Still A Jerk (#1 Mate or Not)Where stories live. Discover now