Fairytale Gone Bad

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Damn I've finally written this chap :P

So the song is 'far away' by Nickleback (I absotively posilutely ADORE this song)

The pic is of is of Lux's dress, i think it's perfect for her.

P.S: I didn't edit this so there might be a LOT of mistakes.

Vote, comm and enjoy :D


Damon's P.O.V.

"Where's Lux?" I asked as Ren and Melissa made their way downstairs. Jason grinned and stared at Ren in awe and she blushed under his gaze

"She's upstairs almost done. you can go get her if you want" She said smirking and I nodded and made my way upstairs. I stopped at Lux's room and found the door open. I stepped in and froze at what I saw.

Lux had her hair over her shoulder as she was putting on some earrings, I stared at the bare skin her backless dress offered. She seemed to notice my notice my presence and turned around and I couldn't do anything but stare. Her simple white dress made her look like an angel, flowing perfectly along her figure. Her black hair framing her face, she had a bit of make up on that just made her amazing blue eyes brighter and her red lips looked edible.

Lux blushed as she noticed me gazing at her. "So?" she said hesitantly and I couldn't find words to form a single sentence.

"You..You look" I let out a breath, absolutely stumped. Lux groaned and threw her hands to her sides in defeat.

"It's too much isn't it? I told Ren it was but she had to-" She started to turn around but I grabbed her arm and turned her around till she was pressed against my body, her blue eyes staring into mine filled with uncertainty, I smiled and placed my hand on her cheek and she absentmindedly leaned into it.

"You look absolutely breathtaking Lux" I said "Left me speechless for a second there" She blushed and I pulled away before I forgot something. "I got you something."

She raised an eyebrow as I pulled out the box I had in my jacket and opened it, revealing the vintage necklace I bought her.

"I knew you liked vintage so I got you this. If you don't like it I could get you something else, diamonds or something-"

"Damon" She interrupted me smiling "I love it" I smiled and motioned for her to turn around. She did and moved her hair to the side. I gulped and put the necklace on her. My fingers brushed her skin as I put it and she shivered. I cleared my throat and moved back.

She turned back to me and looked at the necklace "A locket" she noticed "it has a keyhole"

I nodded and took the key from my pocket and showed it to her "You'll get to open it when I'm sure you're ready"

"Ready for what exactly?" she asked with a raised eyebrow and I smirked

"You'll find out later" I said putting the key back in my pocket "Now let's go they're waiting for us"

Lux's P.O.V.

We walked downstairs and I smiled when I saw the boys who's eyes widened.

"Is that Lux?" Shane said smirking 

"I think it is" Cameron answered "Oh my god Shane" he turned to his brother and wiped a fake tear "Our lux is growing up"

I rolled my eyes and felt Damon grab my waist "My Lux" he said and I rolled my eyes

"come on guys let's go" I said and we walked outside and got into the limo. We picked up the other girls and headed to the formal

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