Chapter 1

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Camila's POV

"Yes it's true, I'm a stripper. It's not a big deal really. I just erotically dance for strangers, whilst being half naked of course. I'm not ashamed actually, to be honest I kind of like it, it's like I have two identities, like batman or superman. However, the reason I haven't really told anyone isn't because I'm embarrassed, it's just people think that strippers are stupid and won't go anywhere in life. Those people are wrong. Currently I'm at my second year of college, studying to become a doctor. Far from stupid. Also, may I add that I'm ahead of all my other fellow students in class. Not too bad for a stripper, right?

It's not like I need the money because frankly I don't. My parents own a vineyard and produce extremely fine wines, which are very expensive. Their business grew tremendously before I was born and just kept on growing. Mom and dad literally begged to pay for my college tuition, which I argued strongly about since I have always been bullied for being 'spoilt', I really wanted to show everyone I could do it without my parents money. However, it was either they pay for college or I don't go at all...strange huh? Anyway I gave in and let them pay for it, which they were thrilled about. I've never been a 'mommy's girl' or a 'daddy's girl', all they care about is the money they earn and that's all they have cared about since the day I was born. You must think "wow she has it all, what a lucky girl" right? But it kind of sucks when money is more important than you. Sorry for talking about it too much, I could have it a lot worse I guess.

Anyway, I'm Camila, Camila Cabello. And I guess this is my diary. I'll be hoping to write often, but I'll probably forget all about the fact that I have a diary, so sorry.

The reason for me writing in a diary is because today on the way back from college, I saw this old man, dressed in black, sitting on a park bench. I wasn't in any rush to get back to my apartment, since my shift at the club didn't start until late tonight and it was only around 2pm, so I sat next to him. He almost immediately started a conversation.

"Isn't the weather beautiful today?" The man asked, his thin grey locks shone in the sunlight. I peered at the sky and nodded my head slightly.

"It is, isn't it. However it's not surprising, it is Miami." I spoke delicately, still admiring the sky.

"I wouldn't know, I'm not from around here."

"Ah I see, where are you from?" I asked him, my inquisitive nature took over.

"From Michigan."

"What's brings you down here, Sir?" I asked again, this time with a little more respect, since he was a lot older than me.

There was a brief moment of silence. The elderly man placed his bookmark in his old-fashioned war book and placed it beside him on the bench. He spoke ever so delicately.

"My wife's funeral."

"I am so sorry for your loss, Sir." I was speechless and I felt so much guilt for an unknown reason, probably because I approached him so causally and not knowing the heartache he was experiencing.

"It's just the circle of life. We're born, we live, we die. I just always thought it would be me to be the first one to go. After all, I was the one with the heart problems and asthma. She was extremely fit and healthy. Oh how she loved her morning jogs." He chuckled lightly.

I felt my heart break.

"But listen now, forever cherish everyday you're alive and breathing and tell the people you love that you love them as much as you can, okay? Life is so much shorter than expected and can be so cruel." I nodded gently as he spoke wisely, a single tear rolled down my cheek.

The man then smiled at me, picked up his book and left. I'll never forget that encounter, though. Even if I didn't know his name and our meeting was vague, his words will be imprinted in my memory forever.

The events of that day then inspired me to think more in depth. To actually appreciate the wonders of the world. Cheesy I know. But then I thought I'd buy a diary to express my emotions. So here I am writing in a diary about the fact I'm a stripper. It'll get more interesting soon hopefully, just wait and see."

"Camila!" My roommate shouted from the kitchen, "our shift is about to start in 20 minutes".

I lifted up my wrist to reveal my wrist watch, the time was 10:09pm.

"Coming, wait a second!" I shouted back before quickly shuffling over to my black high heels and placing them on my feet.

"The cab is here!" She shouted again.

I grabbed my purse and then strutted into the kitchen to tell Janet I was ready.

"Jeez Janet, let's go I've been waiting ages," I lied, she let out a brief laugh, then we headed down stairs to the cab.

Janet was smothering her red lipstick on her lips whilst in the cab, ignoring the on-going bumps which jolted her from time to time.

"Is it just me that thinks cab cars are always bumpy, hey mister why are cabs always bumpy?" Janet asked the driver, but he just stared into his review mirror and lightly shook his head in disapproval.

"mister I'm talking to you!" Janet shouted again, her drunken state becoming more evident with every bump we endured. However this time I told her to stop in the nicest way possible.

"I have a good feeling about tonight." I smiled whilst we waiting at a red light, only a few blocks away from the club.

"What's gotten into you, recently? You're really positive." Janet questioned, but I just smiled then finally replied.

"Is it a bad thing?"

"No actually, I quite like it." Janet replied and we both exchanged friendly glances.

Then the cab stopped outside of the club and Janet and I were ready to enter.

As soon as we were in the club, the deafening music blared through the stereo whilst everybody waited, anticipated for the upcoming show.

Janet and I were backstage with the other girls waiting for the show to start, most of us just as hyped as the huge crowd we had tonight-- a full house!

The curtains open and I was up first. I strutted over towards the pole and flaunted some of my signature pole moves, whilst the speaker boomed "and this is the beautiful Sandy all the way from California folks. Give it up for Sandy!". The crowd roared and a few dirty comments were made, the one that stood out to me the most was "something is definitely up for Sandy".

Before I strutted back off stage I caught a glimpse of a beautiful pair of emerald eyes, the same beautiful pair that had been admiring me all week. I then tore away from the eye contact and went off stage. My head in full spin.

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