Chapter 13

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"Fuck," Camila uttered as she awoke with a pounding sensation in her head. "Wait, where am I?" Camila asked herself, not recalling the events that had happened prior.

She had awoken in a dimly-lit room with a draft seeping through the floorboards. Camila shuddered at the cold air against her skin.

Gradually the memory of the events that had happened before came back to her. The memory of complete blackness taking over her senses after being pulled out of the van rung in her head.

"I need to get out of here. I need to get Lauren." Camila voiced out loud.

"But we're just getting started. We haven't even got to the good part yet."

"Not you again." Camila whispered quietly to herself, not acknowledging that the figure could understand what she was saying.

"Shut up whore. Remember that I have all the power here." The man bellowed, causing Camila to shake at the sudden shout.

Camila stayed quiet, not wanting to dig a deeper hole for herself.

"Stop crying." The voice ordered. Camila wiped ferociously at the pools forming in her eyes, unaware of the fact that she had been crying in the first place. "Boss will be here in a minute and the worst thing you can do is show that you're vulnerable."

The man edged closer to Camila and placed a sweaty hand on her thigh and began to rub in a back and forth motion. Camila tensed at the uncomfortable motion until she had a sudden burst of confidence and decided to spit in the mans face. Despite Camila finding the act vulgar, it was her only defence mechanism in the moment; plus she was pretty proud of the man's overdramatised reaction to her saliva on his face.

"Fine. Look vulnerable then, see how I care."

Next thing Camila felt was a heavy object of some sort being slammed against her foot. A hammer had been smashed onto the brunette's foot so badly that it had snapped the bone. However, Camila didn't acknowledge what damage had been done by the hammer to her foot, the only thing she could acknowledge was the severe pain shooting through every nerve in her body. She screamed and sobbed as hard as she could, pleading for someone to help her.

"No one can hear you, especially not Lauren. Give up." The man whispered coldly in her ear but Camila couldn't hear him over her pleads for help.

Suddenly the steal door flung wide open to reveal a short man wearing a very expensive suit, from the looks of it, with his hair sleekly gelled back to reveal the dominant frown lines on his forehead.

"Oh dear, oh dear. Camila, why have you gotten yourself in such a state?" The dapper male asked in a mimicking parent-type tone. It reminded Camila of the way her mother used to scold her for when she had rolled in the mud, in the vineyard, as a child. The nostalgic memory reminded Camila why she had gotten into this mess in the first place.

"Where are my parents you bastard?!" Camila shouted, whilst still in agonising pain.

The short man, who Camila had assumed was 'The Boss', directed his gaze to the man who was responsible for Camila's pain and cleared his throat.

"Oh right, sorry boss." The man then scurried quickly through the door, shutting and locking it hastily.

"Your parents..." the boss started, catching Camila's attention. "Are no use to me anymore." In that moment, Camila could only assume the worst.

"So you killed them?! You killed my parents?!" Camila exclaimed. Emotion pouring throughout her words; a mix of anger, frustration, sadness and agony.

"They're not dead," Camila lifted up her head to reconnect the eye contact between her and the older figure. Her hysterical crying had now ushered into sniffled sobs and the occasional yelp when she felt like there was too much pressure being forced upon her foot. "Yet, anyway. I haven't decided what I want to do with them yet."

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